Tabor Academy, located in Braintree, Essex, underwent an inspection on September 26 and 27, 2023, and received an overall effectiveness rating of Requires Improvement. The quality of education was also rated as Requires Improvement, while Behaviour and Attitudes, Personal Development, and Sixth-form Provision were rated as Good. The school is led by acting co-headteachers Kellyann Brown and Gregory Forster and is part of the Loxford Schools Trust, overseen by CEO Anita Johnson OBE and a board of trustees chaired by David Low.
The school is described as warm and welcoming, with a calm atmosphere where pupils are expected to adhere to high standards of behaviour. Students demonstrate respect for one another and are confident in seeking support when needed. Anti-bullying ambassadors play a crucial role in ensuring a safe environment, and incidents of bullying are addressed promptly by school leaders. Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) are included in all aspects of school life.
In the classroom, students are motivated to succeed, and the school is implementing changes to support all pupils, including those with SEND, in achieving their academic goals. The new headteachers have made a positive impact, with improved communication with parents and strong support for staff. However, the school faces challenges in ensuring that the curriculum is effectively sequenced and delivered across all subjects. While some subjects demonstrate a clear progression of knowledge, others lack coherence, which can hinder pupils' learning.
The sixth-form curriculum is more consistently delivered, with staff effectively using their expertise to support students in their academic pursuits. Most sixth-form students progress to university or suitable apprenticeships, and they actively contribute to the school community. Reading is prioritized, with a robust assessment and support program in place to help pupils improve their reading skills. The school fosters a love of reading through various initiatives, including competitions and library engagement.
Personal development is a key focus, with pupils learning about important topics that are revisited as they progress through school. The Tabor pledges provide opportunities for students to engage in extracurricular activities, including performances and charity work. The school also offers appropriate careers advice, highlighting different professions to students.
Efforts are being made to strengthen relationships with parents through newsletters and coffee mornings, although some parents still express concerns about communication and SEND provision. The school acknowledges the need for ongoing improvement in these areas.
The inspection highlighted that many staff and leaders are new to their roles, and the headteachers are working diligently to support their colleagues while managing their responsibilities. Trust leaders recognize the importance of clarity in the headteachers' roles and the need for time and support to drive strategic improvements.
Safeguarding arrangements at Tabor Academy are deemed effective, ensuring the safety and well-being of all pupils. The inspection report emphasizes the need for the school to clearly define the knowledge and sequencing of the curriculum across all subjects to enable pupils to build their learning logically over time. Additionally, staff must implement adaptive teaching strategies to support all pupils, particularly those with SEND, in achieving their full potential. Overall, while Tabor Academy has strengths in certain areas, there are significant opportunities for improvement to enhance the educational experience for all students.