The Kingfisher School in Bristol underwent an inspection on July 11 and 12, 2023, and received an overall effectiveness rating of good. This marks a significant improvement from its previous inspection, which rated the school as requiring improvement. The school is recognized for its high expectations of pupils, both academically and socially, fostering a positive attitude towards learning. Pupils are encouraged to strive for success and understand the importance of support in achieving their goals.
School leaders have effectively raised behavioral expectations, resulting in rare disruptions to learning. Positive and respectful relationships are evident among pupils and staff, with bullying reported as uncommon and addressed promptly when it occurs. Pupils feel safe and know they can report any concerns to trusted adults. The school promotes an understanding of diversity, encouraging pupils to celebrate differences through carefully selected reading materials that reflect societal diversity.
Pupils exhibit a strong sense of belonging to the school and the local community. The curriculum includes local history and geography, and pupils participate in scientific and cultural events, enhancing their learning experiences. They also engage in various extracurricular activities, contributing to their personal development.
The leadership team, including those from the multi-academy trust, demonstrates a relentless ambition to improve the school. They have a clear vision for the curriculum, ensuring it meets the needs of all pupils. Most staff possess the necessary knowledge and expertise to deliver the curriculum effectively. The ambitious curriculum is designed to equip pupils with essential knowledge for future learning, with staff making appropriate adaptations to address gaps caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.
However, some subjects require improvement in teaching methods. In certain areas, learning is not broken down into manageable steps, leading to difficulties in recalling prior knowledge and making connections between subjects. Additionally, the expertise of subject leaders in monitoring pupil progress over time is underdeveloped.
Reading is a priority at the school, with children learning to read from the start of their education. The phonics curriculum is effectively implemented, enabling children to become confident readers. Assessment practices are utilized to adapt the curriculum based on pupil learning outcomes. Pupils with special educational needs and disabilities receive strong support, ensuring they can access the curriculum successfully.
In the early years, children benefit from effective language modeling, which aids their communication skills and emotional expression. They are well-prepared for the transition to key stage one. The personal, social, and health education curriculum is tailored to the school's context, equipping pupils with knowledge about healthy relationships and safety, including road safety and online awareness.
Staff members, including those new to the school, receive robust support and express pride in their work environment. The safeguarding arrangements are effective, with regular training ensuring staff can identify and report concerns appropriately. Leaders conduct thorough checks to ensure staff suitability for working with children.
To enhance the school's effectiveness, leaders must ensure that teaching in all subjects breaks down knowledge into smaller steps, allowing pupils to build on their prior learning. Additionally, subject leadership needs further development to provide leaders with better oversight of curriculum impact on pupil learning. Overall, The Kingfisher School demonstrates a commitment to continuous improvement and the well-being of its pupils.