Ofsted conducted a short inspection of Haveley Hey Community School on 27 March 2019, following its previous judgment of good in January 2015. The inspection confirmed that the school continues to maintain a good quality of education. The leadership team, under Mrs. S Spiteri, has upheld high expectations that are shared among staff, promoting the Unicef ‘Rights of the Child’ initiative to enhance pupils' aspirations and broaden their horizons. Parents and carers expressed positive feedback about the school, appreciating the additional activities and the effective communication through newsletters and workshops that help them support their children’s learning at home.
Pupils at the school are noted for their politeness and good manners, with strong relationships fostered by staff contributing to positive attitudes towards learning. Older pupils take their responsibilities seriously, serving as role models for younger students. The emphasis on the United Nations convention on children’s rights has enabled pupils to develop skills that contribute meaningfully to society, particularly through projects like the ‘global goals’ initiative. The variety of clubs available, including cooking, sports, and choir, has been well received, with pupils expressing enthusiasm for their performances.
The inspection highlighted that the leadership has effectively addressed previous areas for improvement, particularly in developing staff knowledge to support pupil learning. Professional dialogue among staff is encouraged, fostering a culture of collaboration and support. The quality of teaching has improved, with leaders regularly reviewing pupil progress and teaching quality. Safeguarding measures are robust, ensuring that all adults in the school are safe to work with children, and staff are well-trained to recognize signs of neglect and abuse.
Pupils reported that behavior is generally good, with effective support provided for those needing help with their conduct. They feel safe and know how to seek help if needed. The school teaches pupils about safety in various contexts, including online safety. The inspection found that leaders have successfully resolved previous improvement areas, particularly in spoken language development and the application of mathematical knowledge across the curriculum, leading to improved pupil attainment.
In English, leaders have reviewed the curriculum to ensure engaging learning opportunities that build on prior knowledge. The focus on vocabulary development is yielding positive results, with pupils increasingly applying their language skills accurately. Reading and writing are prioritized, with carefully selected books enhancing pupils' literacy development. The school has also engaged in a national writing project, further improving staff expertise in supporting literacy.
In the early years, leaders have implemented effective strategies to support children’s learning, particularly for those with special educational needs. Positive relationships and well-planned activities help children settle quickly and engage in their learning. Parents are actively involved in their children’s education, contributing to a supportive learning environment. Attendance is monitored closely, with strategies in place to improve regular attendance among vulnerable pupils. Overall, the inspection affirmed that Haveley Hey Community School continues to provide a good education, with clear next steps for further improvement in literacy and attendance strategies.