Sandal Magna Community Academy, located in Wakefield, West Yorkshire, has been evaluated as a good school following its inspection on November 1 and 2, 2022. The school provides a supportive and respectful environment where pupils feel proud to be part of the community. The atmosphere is calm, and pupils demonstrate good behavior both in lessons and during playtimes. They express that bullying is rare and that staff are quick to address any issues that arise. The school is committed to ensuring that all pupils, including those who require additional support, receive the help they need to thrive.
The leadership team at Sandal Magna is ambitious for its pupils, aiming for both academic and personal achievements. Pupils show enthusiasm for their learning, particularly in subjects like mathematics and computing, and they appreciate the recognition they receive for their hard work. The curriculum is well-structured and coherent, allowing teachers to understand what to teach and when. However, there are areas for improvement, particularly in ensuring that all teachers are equipped with the necessary subject knowledge and effective teaching strategies.
Reading is a priority at the school, with staff trained in phonics instruction to help pupils develop their reading skills. Pupils engage in regular reading activities, and the curriculum is designed to enhance their vocabulary through creative methods such as drama. While many pupils are making good progress, some find the reading materials too easy, suggesting a need for more challenging texts to further their development.
The early years provision is also well-regarded, with knowledgeable staff focusing on language development and providing stimulating learning environments. However, there are challenges in the smaller classroom setting in Reception, which leaders are actively seeking to address. The school promotes personal development through a well-planned curriculum that covers important topics such as online safety and financial management. While pupils are confident discussing various cultures and the importance of respect, there is less confidence in recalling lessons on healthy relationships and equality.
Attendance is a significant concern, with a notable number of pupils not attending regularly enough, often due to extended holidays taken during term time. This impacts their learning, and leaders are working diligently to improve attendance rates. The school collaborates closely with governors and the trust to ensure effective professional development for staff, fostering a culture of accountability and support.
Safeguarding measures are robust, with staff well-trained to recognize and respond to concerns. Pupils trust the adults in the school and feel comfortable discussing any issues they may face. The school is committed to ensuring that all pupils, including those with special educational needs and disabilities, have access to the same curriculum as their peers.
In summary, Sandal Magna Community Academy is a good school that provides a supportive and respectful environment for its pupils. While there are areas for improvement, particularly in curriculum implementation and attendance, the school demonstrates a strong commitment to the academic and personal development of its students. The leadership team is focused on continuous improvement, ensuring that all pupils have the opportunity to succeed.