Caludon Castle School, located in Coventry, continues to be recognized as a good school following its recent inspection. Under the leadership of headteacher Sarah Kenrick, the school is part of the Castle Phoenix Trust, which oversees its operations through a board of trustees chaired by Peter Freeth. The inspection, conducted on February 6 and 7, 2024, highlighted the positive environment within the school, where pupils feel safe, valued, and engaged in their learning. The school’s core values of respect are evident in the interactions among students and staff, fostering a culture of mutual respect and positive behavior.
Pupils demonstrate a strong commitment to their education, arriving prepared and eager to learn. They listen attentively to one another and adhere to teachers' instructions, contributing to a harmonious school atmosphere. The school has established effective measures to address bullying, ensuring that students are confident in the support they receive from staff. Leadership opportunities for pupils are well integrated into school life, with various roles available, including literacy leaders and house captains. Sixth-form students actively engage in community service, such as fundraising for local charities and mentoring younger students.
The curriculum at Caludon Castle School is ambitious and thoughtfully organized, allowing pupils to build knowledge progressively. Teachers effectively present new information and utilize digital technologies to enhance learning experiences. Frequent opportunities for practice and assessment help reinforce pupils' understanding, and most students are clear about how to improve their work based on feedback from teachers. However, there are instances where expectations are not consistently high, leading to some pupils making less progress. Additionally, while opportunities for discussion and communication skills development are present, they are not uniformly applied across all subjects.
The school has implemented a coherent reading strategy, regularly assessing pupils' reading skills and providing additional support for those who struggle. While there have been improvements in reading, inconsistencies remain in how subject teachers incorporate reading opportunities into their lessons. Pupils with special educational needs and disabilities receive appropriate support, ensuring they can access the same learning as their peers. The school has made significant strides in improving attendance, employing additional staff and involving parents early in the process to address absenteeism effectively.
Caludon Castle School offers a rich array of extracurricular activities, including trips, clubs, and enrichment programs that respond to pupils' interests. The school emphasizes the importance of safety and respect for diversity, with nearly all pupils acknowledging the encouragement to treat others equally. Career guidance is robust, with numerous events and external speakers providing insights into various career paths. The school has seen a high uptake of apprenticeships among students, reflecting the effectiveness of its career support.
The inspection concluded that while the school is performing well, there are areas for improvement. Specifically, the implementation of the curriculum at key stages three and four needs to be more effective, particularly in delivering new information and ensuring pupils retain their learning. Additionally, there is a need for a more consistent approach to developing literacy skills across all subjects. Overall, Caludon Castle School maintains a strong educational environment, with a commitment to continuous improvement and the well-being of its pupils.