Seely Primary School, located in Nottinghamshire, has been recognized for its significant improvements since the last inspection. The school has established a culture of high expectations among its leaders, staff, and pupils, resulting in a marked enhancement in the quality of education and pupil outcomes. The leadership team, comprising co-headteachers, has effectively fostered a collaborative environment where all staff work towards common goals. The governing body plays a crucial role in supporting school improvement, ensuring that senior and middle leaders fulfill their responsibilities effectively.
The quality of teaching, learning, and assessment at Seely Primary is commendable, with a consistent trend of improvement in pupils' attainment across various subjects, including reading, writing, and mathematics. While standards in writing are still below those in reading and mathematics, all groups of pupils demonstrate good progress from their starting points. The curriculum is tailored to meet the diverse needs of pupils, including those who are disadvantaged or speak English as an additional language, enabling them to achieve well.
Parental support for the school is overwhelmingly positive, with many parents expressing their willingness to recommend it to others. Pupils not only excel in core subjects but also perform well in art, music, physical education, and Spanish. The school's ethos emphasizes the importance of pupils' spiritual, moral, social, and cultural development, fostering thoughtful and considerate behavior among students. Teachers effectively utilize their subject knowledge and questioning techniques to enhance learning, and they skillfully address pupils' misconceptions to facilitate their understanding.
Safeguarding measures are robust, ensuring that pupils behave safely and respectfully. The school has cultivated a strong culture of safety, and pupils exhibit good behavior both in lessons and around the school. However, attendance rates have been persistently below average, and while the school has initiated efforts to address this issue, the impact has yet to be fully realized.
To further improve, the school aims to enhance pupils' writing attainment by embedding current strategies across all classes, ensuring a consistent approach to handwriting and presentation, and providing opportunities for extended writing in various subjects. Additionally, the school is focused on improving attendance to align with national averages by consolidating recent improvements in attendance management and promoting the importance of regular attendance among pupils and families.
The leadership and management of the school have shown significant progress since the previous inspection, with a stable and effective leadership team in place. Leaders possess a comprehensive understanding of the school's strengths and areas for improvement, and their plans for enhancement are well-structured. Middle and subject leadership is strong, with ongoing support from the Nottingham Schools Trust contributing to continuous improvement.
The quality of teaching in the early years is also noteworthy, with children making good progress from varied starting points. The learning environment is well-organized, providing ample opportunities for vocabulary development and fostering confidence in reading. Overall, Seely Primary School is on a positive trajectory, with effective leadership, quality teaching, and a commitment to continuous improvement, ensuring that pupils receive a well-rounded education.