The Willows Primary School in Manchester was inspected on 21 and 22 June 2022, receiving an overall effectiveness rating of good. The quality of education, behavior and attitudes, leadership and management, and early years provision were all rated as good, while personal development was rated as outstanding. Pupils arrive at school happy and eager to learn, feeling safe and respected. The early years environment is stimulating, allowing children to settle quickly into routines. High expectations from leaders contribute to good behavior in lessons, which supports pupils' achievements across various subjects. In instances of bullying, pupils are confident that staff will address issues promptly.
The school excels in promoting personal development, fostering respect among pupils and enhancing their understanding of diverse cultures and beliefs, preparing them for life in modern Britain. Pupils participate in various clubs, such as cookery and yoga, and take pride in their contributions to the local community, including litter clearing and reducing traffic congestion. The curriculum is well-designed to meet the needs of all pupils, including those with special educational needs and disabilities. Leaders have clearly identified the essential knowledge pupils should acquire and the sequence in which it should be taught, facilitating connections between subjects and aiding retention.
Staff receive appropriate training to effectively deliver the curriculum, and they skillfully identify the needs of all pupils, including those with SEND. The school collaborates with external agencies to ensure that pupils with SEND receive the necessary support. Teachers employ various assessment strategies to gauge pupils' understanding, although there are occasions when assessment information is not utilized as effectively as possible, which can hinder some pupils' progress.
The development of vocabulary is prioritized, and a love of reading is cultivated throughout the school. In the early years, staff effectively promote spoken language development, while older pupils engage with a wide range of reading materials, reflecting on their experiences and discussing themes such as diversity. Phonics instruction begins in Reception, enabling children to learn letter sounds quickly, and those who struggle with reading receive targeted support.
Pupils demonstrate politeness and good manners, with minimal disruptions in lessons, allowing for focused learning. The school nurtures personal, social, and emotional development exceptionally well, ensuring that all pupils, including those with SEND, can access the full range of school offerings. Pupils celebrate diversity and individual liberty, with visitors enhancing their aspirations for future careers. The governing body effectively holds leaders accountable, and staff appreciate the consideration given to their workload and well-being.
Safeguarding arrangements are effective, with vigilant staff trained to recognize and respond to any concerns regarding pupil welfare. Strong partnerships with external agencies ensure that vulnerable pupils and their families receive necessary support. Pupils learn about safety and how to report uncomfortable situations, including those related to social media. The school is committed to continuous improvement, particularly in ensuring that assessment information is used effectively to enhance pupil achievement across the curriculum. Overall, The Willows Primary School provides a supportive and enriching environment for its pupils, fostering both academic success and personal growth.