Ofsted conducted a visit to Pontefract Orchard Head Junior and Infant and Nursery School on December 3, 2020, to assess the school's response to the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic. This visit was part of a broader initiative to understand how schools are managing the return to full education after an extended period of disruption. The visit was not an inspection, and no graded judgments were made. Instead, it focused on discussions with the headteacher and senior leaders about the actions taken since the full reopening of schools in September 2020.
During the visit, it was noted that nearly half of the pupils had engaged in remote learning at some point since the start of the autumn term. The school has maintained a comprehensive curriculum, covering all subjects typically taught at this time of year. However, the headteacher has allocated additional time to reading, writing, and mathematics to address gaps in knowledge that arose during the period when the school was not fully operational. This adjustment reflects an awareness of the challenges faced by pupils in maintaining their academic progress during the pandemic.
Teachers have conducted assessments in reading and writing, revealing that many pupils have struggled to retain their reading speed and stamina. Additionally, some younger pupils have shown a decline in handwriting quality. In response, the school has increased the amount of time dedicated to these subjects to help pupils catch up. Mathematics assessments indicated that older pupils have not retained their knowledge of times tables, while younger pupils displayed gaps in basic arithmetic skills. To address these issues, teachers have also dedicated extra teaching time to mathematics.
The school has continued to teach subjects within the wider curriculum, although the time allocated to Spanish has been adjusted to provide more lessons in reading, writing, and mathematics. The headteacher has introduced new topics in weekly assemblies to enhance pupils' knowledge and awareness of various subjects. Furthermore, the school has implemented remote education for pupils who need to isolate. For individual pupils, resources are provided both online and in printed packs, while entire bubbles isolating receive additional opportunities for live lessons. The tasks assigned for remote learning align with those planned for in-person attendance, ensuring continuity in education.
The visit concluded without any significant concerns being raised about the school's operations. The insights gained from this visit will contribute to Ofsted's national reporting, helping to inform future educational policies. The headteacher and staff's proactive measures to address the learning gaps caused by the pandemic demonstrate a commitment to supporting pupils' educational needs during these challenging times. The school’s approach reflects a comprehensive understanding of the impact of COVID-19 on education and a determination to provide quality learning experiences for all pupils. The findings from this visit will be shared with the government and the education sector to enhance understanding of the current educational landscape in England.