Sharnbrook Primary School, located in Bedfordshire, has recently undergone an inspection that highlighted significant improvements since its previous evaluation. The school is led by headteacher Hannah Bennett and operates under a single academy trust. The inspection, conducted on June 12 and 13, 2024, resulted in an overall effectiveness rating of good, with outstanding ratings in behavior and attitudes, as well as personal development. The quality of education and early years provision were also rated as good, marking a notable advancement from the previous inspection grade of requires improvement.
Pupils at Sharnbrook Primary express a strong enthusiasm for their education, engaging actively in both academic and enrichment activities. They demonstrate curiosity and a desire to explore various subjects, which contributes to their success in the curriculum. The school has implemented a well-structured enrichment program that complements academic learning, fostering essential traits such as confidence and resilience. As a result, students are well-prepared for their transition into young adulthood after completing Year 6.
The behavior of pupils is exemplary, with students showing kindness and support towards one another. They greet staff and peers warmly and exhibit high standards of conduct both in lessons and during playtime. The early years provision is particularly effective, with children learning to share, take turns, and manage their emotions in a supportive environment.
The curriculum at Sharnbrook Primary has been thoroughly redesigned, allowing for a logical progression of knowledge. Staff are well-trained and provide clear guidance on the essential knowledge pupils need to acquire. Regular assessments help teachers identify and address any misunderstandings, ensuring that students keep pace with their learning. However, there are instances where staff may not recognize when pupils are ready to tackle more complex concepts, which can limit opportunities for deeper thinking.
The school's approach to early reading has proven successful, with children in Nursery and Reception receiving strong support in developing their communication and literacy skills. By the end of Key Stage 1, nearly all pupils are able to read fluently, and those who struggle receive effective assistance to become confident readers. The school promotes a love of reading, with many pupils participating in book clubs and recommending titles to their peers.
Sharnbrook Primary is particularly noted for its provision for pupils with special educational needs and disabilities. The school quickly identifies individual needs and closely monitors progress, ensuring that all pupils receive the necessary support to thrive alongside their peers. The commitment to high expectations is evident, as pupils work diligently and maintain focus during lessons.
The school also emphasizes the importance of understanding the wider world, with pupils learning about various careers and personal finance from an early age. The extensive extracurricular offerings reflect the school's dedication to fostering individual interests and skills. Additionally, the school promotes inclusivity and respect for diverse lifestyles and beliefs, encouraging thoughtful discussions among pupils.
Parents express high levels of satisfaction with the school, praising the positive impact it has on their children. Staff members feel supported and valued, appreciating the training and resources provided to maintain a manageable workload. Governors demonstrate a clear understanding of the school's strengths and areas for improvement, holding leaders accountable for ongoing development.
Overall, Sharnbrook Primary School has made significant strides in enhancing its educational provision, creating a nurturing environment where pupils can thrive academically and personally. The commitment to continuous improvement and the well-being of students is evident throughout the school community.