The Hathaway Academy, located in Grays, Essex, has been recognized as a good school following its inspection on June 25 and 26, 2024. Under the leadership of Principal Fatima Rodrigues, the school operates within the Academy Transformation Trust, overseen by CEO Sir Nick Weller and a board of trustees chaired by Pat Beanland OBE. The school fosters a positive environment where pupils feel happy, safe, and secure, responding well to the expectations set forth in the school's 'pride drives,' which emphasize good manners and strong discipline.
Pupils take pride in their work and are eager to perform well, although there are instances where the work assigned is not sufficiently challenging, leading to underachievement. The school’s character and resilience program significantly benefits students, equipping them with skills and behaviors necessary for responsible citizenship. Pupils learn to lead healthy lives and receive first aid training, enabling them to assist others in need. Leadership opportunities are available for students, including roles such as head boy and girl, prefects, and mentors for younger peers.
The school offers a diverse range of extracurricular activities, including sports, music, drama, and STEM-related clubs. Pupils also have opportunities to participate in various productions and trips that enhance their learning experiences. The curriculum is designed with the ambition of making dreams a reality, aligning with the national curriculum while promoting global awareness and aspirations among students.
Reading skills are prioritized, with the school identifying weaker readers upon their entry and providing effective interventions to help them access the full curriculum. Teachers utilize their subject expertise to build on students' prior knowledge, selecting engaging content that makes learning memorable. However, there are concerns regarding the effective use of assessment data, as it is not always utilized to tailor tasks to pupils' needs, resulting in some lessons being too easy and not allowing for the development of higher-order skills.
The school effectively identifies pupils with special educational needs and disabilities, ensuring that appropriate support is in place. Parents are involved in planning and reviewing this support, and lessons are adapted to meet individual needs, allowing these pupils to achieve well. The school closely monitors attendance and works with families to address any issues, demonstrating a commitment to improving attendance rates.
Diversity is celebrated within the school, with pupils participating in events such as Black History Month and various cultural festivals. The school encourages social awareness through charity work and fundraising initiatives. Pupils are also prepared for future educational and career opportunities through participation in national apprenticeship and careers weeks, as well as visits to universities.
Trust leaders hold the school accountable, regularly assessing standards and providing professional development for staff. This support has fostered a stable team that feels valued and respected. Safeguarding arrangements are effective, ensuring the safety and well-being of all pupils.
Despite the school's strengths, there are areas for improvement. Teachers need to enhance their use of assessment to better understand when pupils are ready to progress to new learning. Ensuring that all pupils have sufficient opportunities to practice and develop higher-order skills is essential for maximizing their potential. Overall, the Hathaway Academy continues to provide a supportive and enriching educational environment for its students.