Woodlands Primary Academy has been recognized as a good school following its inspection on April 25 and 26, 2023. The school is characterized by a welcoming atmosphere where pupils feel happy and safe. Staff members are dedicated to understanding each pupil's needs, ensuring that they are at the center of the educational experience. The school community, including trust leaders and staff, is committed to the motto of providing the best for every child and a fair chance for all. Pupils engage positively with one another, demonstrating good behavior both in lessons and throughout the school environment. Older students take on the responsibility of looking out for younger peers, fostering a culture of kindness and support. Instances of bullying are rare, and pupils express confidence in the staff's ability to address any issues that may arise.
The curriculum at Woodlands Primary Academy is broad and ambitious, with high expectations set for all pupils, including those with special educational needs and disabilities. Pupils are enthusiastic about their learning and generally perform well, leaving Year 6 well-prepared for secondary education. Parental support for the school is strong, with many appreciating the commitment and passion of the teaching staff. However, some parents have raised concerns regarding staff turnover.
Since the last inspection, school leaders have made significant revisions to the curriculum, ensuring it is suitably ambitious across all subjects. They have identified key knowledge for pupils to learn and structured the curriculum to build on prior knowledge effectively. Staff training has been provided to enhance subject knowledge and teaching skills, resulting in well-planned activities that deepen pupils' understanding. While most teaching is effective, there are occasions when teachers do not adequately check pupils' understanding, which can hinder progress.
The early years provision, including the Nursery, is a notable strength of the school, with children making excellent progress in reading, language, and mathematics. Staff effectively guide children in their play and learning, establishing routines that support their development. Pupils with special educational needs receive appropriate support, with staff accurately identifying their needs and adapting teaching accordingly.
Despite some challenges, such as lower-than-expected performance in the phonics screening check in 2022, leaders have acted swiftly to improve phonics instruction. A new phonics program has been implemented, and staff training has been intensified to enhance reading instruction. Children begin learning to read in Reception, and there is a strong emphasis on phonics, with pupils receiving additional support to catch up if they fall behind.
Pupils demonstrate a keen interest in learning and generally maintain focus during lessons. Teachers are attentive to any lapses in concentration and quickly redirect pupils to minimize lost learning time. The school prioritizes the wider development of pupils, promoting values such as tolerance and kindness. Pupils learn about diverse cultures and faiths, preparing them for life in modern Britain.
Governance from the trust provides essential support and challenge to school leaders, ensuring that they remain focused on key priorities. Some leaders are new to their roles and are actively working to improve the quality of education. However, they currently lack the means to fully evaluate the impact of their actions on pupil learning.
The safeguarding arrangements at Woodlands Primary Academy are effective, with staff promptly reporting concerns and designated leaders carefully tracking issues. All necessary checks on staff are conducted, and pupils are educated on how to keep themselves safe. Overall, while the school has many strengths, there are areas for improvement, particularly in the effective use of assessment to address misconceptions and inform planning.