Compass School Southwark, located in Bermondsey, continues to be recognized as a good school following its inspection in November 2022. The school provides a calm and well-ordered environment where pupils feel safe and supported. Teachers demonstrate a strong understanding of their students, fostering an atmosphere of respect and ambition for all learners, including those with special educational needs and disabilities. The curriculum is thoughtfully designed and delivered by knowledgeable staff, ensuring that pupils receive a comprehensive education.
The school emphasizes broadening pupils' horizons through a variety of activities and learning opportunities. Students engage in unique experiences such as photographing the night sky, developing leatherwork skills, designing computer games, and participating in numerous sports clubs. The high participation rates in these extracurricular activities reflect the school's commitment to enriching the educational experience.
Pupil behavior is commendable, with students showing respect towards one another and their teachers. Instances of bullying are rare, and pupils are confident that staff will address any issues that arise. The school prioritizes teaching students how to maintain their safety, including online safety, contributing to a secure learning environment. Staff members take pride in their roles within the school community.
The curriculum at Compass School Southwark is broad and balanced, with content carefully sequenced to facilitate effective learning. Teachers regularly assess understanding and address misconceptions promptly, ensuring that pupils can build on their knowledge. However, there are instances where strategies for revisiting and embedding prior learning could be improved, as some pupils struggle to retain previously covered material.
Support for pupils with special educational needs is robust, allowing them to access the same ambitious curriculum as their peers. Teachers receive clear guidance on how to meet the needs of these students, ensuring inclusivity in the classroom. Reading is a key focus across the school, with dedicated sessions to monitor and support pupils' reading development, particularly for those who require additional assistance.
High expectations for behavior are evident throughout the school, with minimal disruption to learning. The rewards system is well-received by pupils, who understand that good behavior and hard work are recognized. The school actively addresses any reports of bullying and promotes a culture where discriminatory language is not tolerated. Attendance is prioritized, with leaders working closely with families to encourage regular school attendance.
The school also provides a well-structured program for personal, social, health, and economic education, equipping pupils with essential life skills. Experts are invited to speak on various topics, including healthy relationships, and daily sessions foster strong relationships between pupils and their form tutors. Career guidance is integrated into the curriculum, ensuring that pupils receive valuable information about future opportunities.
Trust leaders are committed to offering a wide range of opportunities for pupils, including trips to culturally significant locations and universities. Enrichment activities are incorporated into the timetable, reflecting the school's ambition to support all pupils, regardless of their backgrounds or abilities. The governance structure is strong, with trustees and governors working closely with school leaders to identify and address areas for improvement.
The safeguarding arrangements at Compass School Southwark are effective, with a strong culture of vigilance among staff. Pupils feel safe and are encouraged to report any concerns, with a dedicated safeguarding team ensuring timely responses to issues. Overall, the school demonstrates a commitment to providing a high-quality education and a supportive environment for all its pupils.