The Pastures Primary School, located in Thornhills, Narborough, Leicester, has recently undergone its first inspection since becoming an academy. The inspection, conducted on June 4 and 5, 2024, resulted in an overall effectiveness rating of good, with outstanding ratings in behaviour and attitudes, as well as personal development. The quality of education and early years provision were also rated as good, while leadership and management received a good rating as well.
Under the leadership of headteacher Donna Cecchini, the school operates as a standalone multi-academy trust. The school has a strong community atmosphere where pupils develop meaningful friendships and interact with each other and staff in a respectful manner. The school’s motto, work hard and be kind, alongside its core values, fosters a nurturing environment that promotes kindness and respect among pupils. This positive culture is reflected in the high levels of engagement observed in lessons, where pupils demonstrate eagerness to learn and take pride in their achievements.
The early years provision is particularly strong, with effective curriculum planning that builds on prior learning from pre-school. Children in the Reception Year are well-prepared for key stage one, showing independence and the ability to concentrate for extended periods. The school places a strong emphasis on reading, with staff well-trained in delivering phonics programs. Pupils enjoy reading and can discuss their favourite books with confidence, demonstrating high levels of progress in both phonics and reading.
Mathematics is another area of strength, with a well-structured curriculum that ensures clear progression from early years to Year 6. Pupils engage enthusiastically with mathematics, using appropriate vocabulary to explain their reasoning and problem-solving methods. The school has also made significant efforts to enhance the wider curriculum, although there are areas where the ambition of the curriculum in some foundation subjects has yet to be fully realized. There is a need for consistency in the implementation and impact of these subjects to ensure that pupils develop a deeper understanding over time.
Behaviour at The Pastures Primary School is exceptional, with pupils displaying high levels of respect and positive attitudes towards learning. The school’s parliament allows pupils to express their views and take on roles of responsibility, contributing to a sense of pride in their school community. Personal development is prioritized, with a focus on fostering respectful and tolerant individuals who contribute positively to society. The school offers a wide range of clubs and experiences, with strong participation from pupils, including those who are disadvantaged.
Leadership and management at the school are effective, with leaders demonstrating ambition and a clear vision for the school. Staff are well-supported, and their well-being is taken into consideration, fostering a collaborative working environment. The arrangements for safeguarding are effective, ensuring that pupils feel safe and supported.
While the school has many strengths, it is recommended that the curriculum in some foundation subjects be further embedded to address gaps in pupils' knowledge. Overall, The Pastures Primary School provides a positive and enriching educational experience for its pupils, preparing them well for their future learning journeys.