Queen Eleanor Primary Academy in Northampton continues to be recognized as a good school following its inspection on March 7 and 8, 2023. The school fosters an inclusive environment where pupils feel happy and welcomed, quickly becoming part of the school community. The caring nature of the teachers is evident, as they consistently go above and beyond to support their students. Pupils benefit from a variety of enriching experiences, including visits to museums and local landmarks, as well as engaging in activities that challenge them personally, such as zip-wiring. They also have opportunities to explore their interests in sports and music, and they actively participate in fundraising for various charities. In key stage two, pupils take on responsibilities, such as serving as anti-bullying ambassadors, which helps them develop leadership skills.
The school promotes a culture of being ready, respectful, and safe, and pupils generally exhibit good behavior. They take pride in receiving awards that recognize their demonstration of the school’s values, including courtesy and collaboration. Reports of bullying are rare, and staff are proactive in helping pupils resolve conflicts fairly. The leadership team has high aspirations for all pupils, ensuring they are well-prepared for their future. Pupils show enthusiasm for learning, with many rapidly expanding their vocabulary, which aids them in articulating their ideas effectively. They engage with a diverse range of reading materials and demonstrate confidence in solving mathematical problems, contributing to their success across various subjects.
The school’s leadership and staff are committed to providing a quality education, setting high expectations, and working collaboratively to maintain a calm and purposeful learning environment. Disruptions to learning are infrequent. Subject leaders have identified essential knowledge and skills for all subjects and work closely with the trust to provide teachers with the necessary guidance. This collaborative effort ensures that pupils retain knowledge over time. However, many subject leaders are new to their roles and are still developing their ability to support teachers in implementing the curriculum consistently.
Reading is prioritized within the school, with early years teachers focusing on developing listening skills through rhymes, songs, and stories. This foundation prepares children for phonics instruction in Reception Year. Pupils read books that align with their reading abilities, and leaders monitor their progress to ensure continued confidence in reading. Daily reading sessions with teachers help clarify complex language and vocabulary. The curriculum in mathematics is ambitious and well-structured, with teachers demonstrating strong subject knowledge that allows them to address pupils’ misconceptions effectively.
Leaders emphasize the importance of language development, particularly for pupils for whom English is an additional language. This focus enhances pupils’ confidence in expressing their understanding of what they learn. Staff are adept at identifying barriers faced by pupils with special educational needs and disabilities, providing sensitive support to help them learn alongside their peers. However, there is a need for leaders to ensure that the additional support provided aligns precisely with the needs of these pupils, as some may not be making the expected progress.
Children in the early years receive a strong start to their education, with staff ensuring their safety and happiness. They quickly adapt to routines and engage in purposeful activities that promote learning. Leaders prioritize pupils’ mental health and well-being, fostering an understanding of diverse beliefs and family structures. The school community is well-informed about safeguarding, with effective training for staff and robust procedures in place. Overall, the school has a positive reputation among parents and staff, who appreciate the supportive environment and the commitment to continuous improvement.