Ofsted conducted a short inspection of Hill Farm Academy on 22 May 2019, following its previous judgment of good in April 2015. The inspection confirmed that the school continues to maintain a good quality of education. The leadership team, under the headship of Mrs. Dawn Wilson, has successfully brought stability and a clear vision to the school after a period of turbulence. The headteacher has gained the confidence of pupils, parents, and carers, and together with the senior leadership team, has established a persuasive vision that emphasizes core values such as resilience, celebration, and tolerance, which are evident throughout the school.
Leaders have a strong understanding of the school and its community, tailoring the curriculum and extracurricular activities to meet the needs of pupils. The school aims to provide a range of experiences that broaden pupils' horizons and prepare them for life after primary school. Relationships within the school are warm and respectful, fostering an environment where pupils feel safe and enjoy learning. They are articulate about their learning experiences and demonstrate good manners and pride in their school.
The inspection highlighted that the school has effectively addressed previous areas for improvement, including challenging the most able pupils, enhancing writing opportunities, and improving the arts. Teaching now provides appropriate challenges for all pupils, and there is a notable improvement in the provision for the arts. Safeguarding practices are robust, with clear policies and thorough staff training tailored to the local context. Staff are vigilant in identifying pupils who may need additional support, and effective systems are in place to address any concerns.
The teaching of English has shown significant improvement, with consistent approaches across all year groups. Pupils are engaged in writing across various subjects, and their spelling, punctuation, and handwriting are strong. Teachers demonstrate good subject knowledge and effectively plan activities that cater to different abilities. The curriculum is designed to foster a love of learning and includes a strong focus on literacy and numeracy, with a set of values underpinning all subjects.
In early years provision, there is a strong emphasis on language and communication development. Phonics is taught effectively, and children are encouraged to engage in language-rich activities. Staff have high expectations, which supports strong progress, particularly for those who speak English as an additional language. Leaders are actively working to involve parents in their children's education, with initiatives such as parent forums and learning experiences that encourage parental participation.
However, the inspection identified a decline in attendance over the past two years, with the school’s attendance figures falling below the national average for similar schools. Leaders have not prioritized improving attendance sufficiently, partly due to inaccuracies in their attendance data. Strategies to support pupils with irregular attendance are in place, but there is a need for better evaluation of their effectiveness.
Next steps for the school include improving attendance by ensuring accurate data comparison with national figures, emphasizing attendance in improvement plans, and evaluating the impact of strategies used to enhance attendance. Additionally, the school should continue to develop its curriculum to ensure that all subjects are taught effectively, similar to English and mathematics. Overall, Hill Farm Academy demonstrates a commitment to providing a good quality of education and fostering a supportive learning environment for its pupils.