Following the short inspection of The Wells Free School on June 18, 2019, it has been confirmed that the school continues to maintain a good quality of education. The leadership team has effectively upheld the standards established during the previous inspection in May 2015. The vision of the school, rooted in the founders' principles of well-being, community, purposeful learning, and inclusion, has guided decision-making during a period of change, including adjustments to premises and staffing. The leadership team demonstrates a clear understanding of the school's strengths and areas for improvement, fostering a collaborative environment where staff feel valued and parents trust the school's direction.
Governors have actively engaged in auditing their knowledge of the school's effectiveness and have participated in various training courses. They recognize the need to refine governance structures to ensure that school leaders are consistently challenged. A comprehensive development strategy has been implemented, with specific actions and ambitious targets outlined in the school improvement plan. While pupil progress in reading, writing, and mathematics aligns with national averages, there is a focus on enhancing achievement in writing and mathematics.
The school has retained its strengths in leadership, teaching, and the wider curriculum, including early years education. Staff are dedicated to creating stimulating lessons, and pupils appreciate the engaging learning environment. The emphasis on mental health and well-being is evident, with counseling support available for those facing challenges. Pupils demonstrate positive attitudes towards learning, collaborating effectively and showing attentiveness in lessons, resulting in strong progress.
The curriculum is diverse and continually refined to support academic, creative, and social development. Real-life learning experiences are integrated into lessons, enhancing engagement and understanding. For instance, Year 6 pupils visit the Museum of Kent Life to study the Second World War, while younger pupils explore their local community. The school promotes not only academic success but also the development of well-rounded individuals, as reflected in parental feedback.
Pupils are well-behaved, respectful, and actively participate in a variety of extracurricular activities, including sports and arts. Despite limited outdoor space, the school ensures that pupils engage in competitive events and lessons at local facilities. The commitment to a balanced education is evident, with enrichment opportunities contributing to personal development.
Safeguarding measures are robust, with a focus on pupil well-being. Leaders maintain comprehensive records and ensure staff are trained to recognize and address concerns promptly. Communication with parents is prioritized, with initiatives such as school experience mornings fostering collaboration. Parents express satisfaction with the school's efforts to keep children safe and supported.
During the inspection, specific areas of focus included the progress of pupils in mathematics, the effectiveness of writing instruction, and phonics learning in key stage one. Leaders have implemented a structured approach to mathematics teaching, encouraging pupils to articulate their reasoning. In writing, a sentence-based approach has been adopted, linking tasks to engaging texts. Phonics instruction is systematic, with strong outcomes observed in key stage one.
Moving forward, it is essential for leaders and governors to ensure that all pupils are consistently challenged to reach their full potential in writing and mathematics. Additionally, governance structures should be restructured to enhance accountability and support for school leaders. The school is well-positioned to continue its trajectory of improvement, with a strong foundation in place for future success.