Magna Academy is a secondary comprehensive school located in Poole, Dorset, which has recently undergone an inspection. The overall effectiveness of the school has been rated as good, with specific areas such as personal development and sixth-form provision receiving an outstanding rating. The inspection took place on the 21st and 22nd of March 2023, and the school has shown significant progress since its previous inspection in December 2018, where it was also rated outstanding.
Pupils at Magna Academy report a positive experience, enjoying their time at school and actively participating in its community. They demonstrate enthusiasm for leadership roles that allow them to support their peers. The school fosters high expectations among its students, who generally strive to meet these standards. Respectful relationships between pupils and staff contribute to a supportive learning environment, where pupils behave well and bullying is rare. The sixth-form students exhibit particularly positive attitudes towards their education.
The school offers a wide range of clubs and activities that help pupils develop their talents and interests. The curriculum is designed to promote wider development, and pupils gain a sophisticated understanding of societal challenges, fostering a culture of tolerance and inclusivity. The ambitious curriculum has led to an increase in the number of pupils studying languages and humanities at the GCSE level, with most following a strong academic path into key stage four. Sixth-form students benefit from a curriculum that exceeds the qualifications they are pursuing, effectively preparing them for life beyond school.
Reading is prioritized within the curriculum, enriching pupils' vocabulary and cultural knowledge. The school ensures that all pupils read widely and receive support to improve their reading skills. Teachers provide clear explanations of new content, and pupils in key stages four and five demonstrate strong recall of their studies. However, some pupils in key stage three struggle to retain what they have learned, indicating a need for improvement in teaching methods to enhance knowledge retention.
Support for pupils with special educational needs and disabilities is robust, with staff utilizing accurate information to ensure these students can learn effectively. The school has made strides in addressing behavioral issues, resulting in improved conduct among pupils and a reduction in missed learning opportunities due to behavior. Attendance remains a challenge, particularly for disadvantaged pupils, and the school is working to improve this aspect.
The careers program at Magna Academy is engaging and helps pupils understand the connection between their education and future opportunities. The school has seen an increase in the number of students progressing to university, particularly to selective institutions. Pupils are well-prepared for life in modern Britain, valuing lessons on diverse topics and understanding the importance of community involvement.
Leaders at the school have established an inclusive culture and are committed to meeting the needs of all pupils, particularly those facing challenges. Staff express pride in their work environment and feel supported in managing their workloads. The safeguarding arrangements are effective, with staff trained to identify and respond to risks, ensuring pupils receive the necessary support.
In summary, Magna Academy demonstrates a commitment to providing a high-quality education, fostering a positive school culture, and supporting the development of all its pupils. While there are areas for improvement, particularly in teaching methods for key stage three and attendance rates, the school is on a positive trajectory towards further success.