Ofsted conducted a short inspection of Landau Forte Academy Greenacres on 27 June 2019, following its previous judgment of good in June 2015. The inspection confirmed that the school continues to maintain a good quality of education. The leadership team has effectively implemented necessary changes with support from the multi-academy trust's chief executive officer and trustees. A key focus since the last inspection has been on improving the quality of pupils' writing. Enhanced emphasis on punctuation, spelling, grammar, and vocabulary has positively impacted the most able and middle-ability pupils, who now express their ideas more effectively. Although the writing achievement of pupils with special educational needs and disabilities and disadvantaged pupils is not as strong, it is showing improvement due to teachers providing first-hand learning experiences before writing tasks.
The inspection highlighted that while some teachers encourage neatness and pride in presentation, this is inconsistent across year groups and subjects. The roles of subject leaders have developed since the last inspection, with leaders demonstrating enthusiasm and reflective practices. They have embraced training and feedback, enabling them to identify strengths and weaknesses in their subjects and provide guidance to staff. This has helped ensure that pupils acquire relevant knowledge and skills across different subjects.
The school is described as a harmonious and inclusive community where pupils are polite and friendly. Parents generally express positive views about the school, noting improvements in their children's confidence and social skills. Safeguarding measures are effective, with staff creating a safe environment for pupils. The leadership team has established strong safeguarding arrangements and works with various agencies to support vulnerable pupils and their families. Attendance for some pupils is improving due to targeted actions by staff.
Pupils demonstrate an understanding of online safety and the importance of protecting personal information. They are aware of the dangers of online bullying and grooming and know how to seek help if needed. The school promotes safety in physical activities, including climbing and water safety. While most parents are satisfied with the school's work, a few raised concerns about how bullying is addressed. However, records indicate that incidents are rare and dealt with promptly.
The inspection findings focused on the achievement of pupils with special educational needs and disadvantaged pupils, noting that previous results indicated these groups were not making sufficient progress. Recent monitoring of interventions for pupils with SEND has shown that they are capable of making stronger progress. However, some teachers still need to improve their planning to better support these pupils. The monitoring strategies used by leaders to track the progress of different pupil groups need to focus more on raising achievement and expectations for disadvantaged pupils.
The school provides strong pastoral and emotional support, particularly for pupils with SEND and those who are disadvantaged. Enrichment activities broaden pupils' horizons and positively impact their social skills. Pupils express their views confidently and enjoy engaging with their learning. They appreciate the interesting books they read and the challenges presented in their lessons. The school is encouraged to ensure that teachers plan work that raises the achievement of disadvantaged pupils and those with SEND, and to maintain high standards in pupils' presentation of work.