William Perkin Church of England High School, which opened in 2013, is a larger than average secondary school located in Greenford, Middlesex, with 1135 pupils enrolled, including 142 in the sixth form. The school has a diverse student body, with a higher proportion of pupils speaking English as an additional language compared to other schools, while the number of disadvantaged pupils is below the national average. The school is part of the Twyford Academies Trust and is sponsored by the Diocese of London.
A recent monitoring inspection conducted by Ofsted in February 2019 focused on the effectiveness of safeguarding arrangements, management of behaviour, and leadership and management. The inspection found that the arrangements for safeguarding are effective, with leaders taking their responsibilities seriously. The school maintains comprehensive recruitment records and ensures that all staff receive high-quality safeguarding training. Pupils feel safe and know whom to approach with concerns, benefiting from excellent pastoral care and access to various professionals, including mentors and counsellors.
The behaviour policy at William Perkin is clear and consistently applied by staff, resulting in high standards of conduct among pupils. Students attend school regularly, are punctual, and exhibit exemplary behaviour in lessons and around the school. The school promotes a culture of responsibility, with pupils taking pride in their work and engaging fully in lessons. Disruptive behaviour is rare, and the school’s records support this observation.
Leadership and management at the school are strong, with leaders working tirelessly to ensure high educational standards. In 2018, pupils achieved exceptionally high results at the end of Year 11, significantly above the national average across all subjects. Staff understand and share the leaders’ vision, contributing to a calm and purposeful learning environment. Leaders are reflective and responsive, quickly addressing any issues that arise, including a recent critical incident that prompted independent reviews and subsequent improvements.
The school promotes equality and respect among pupils, who are taught about different faiths and cultures. Bullying is reported to be rare, and when conflicts arise, staff intervene promptly to restore relationships. The school has taken proactive measures to address the challenges posed by social media, including banning smartphones, a decision welcomed by parents and students alike.
The sixth form, although newly established, reflects the strengths of the wider school. Leaders anticipated the challenges of opening a sixth form and appointed skilled staff in advance. Students are engaged and well-behaved, benefiting from a broad curriculum that includes additional opportunities for skill development. They participate in community work and leadership roles, such as mentoring younger pupils.
Overall, William Perkin Church of England High School demonstrates effective leadership, a commitment to safeguarding, and a strong focus on pupil behaviour and achievement. The school provides a supportive and challenging environment that fosters both academic success and personal development, ensuring that pupils are well-prepared for their future endeavors.