The Telford Langley School, located in Dawley, Telford, Shropshire, underwent an inspection on July 2 and 3, 2024, and received an overall effectiveness rating of Requires Improvement. The quality of education, behavior and attitudes, and leadership and management were all rated as Requires Improvement, while personal development was rated as Good. The school, which is part of the Communities Academies Trust, is led by headteacher Emma Blount and overseen by CEO Philip Hamilton and chair of trustees Simon Atkins.
Pupils at the school feel safe and enjoy their time there, benefiting from a supportive and community-focused environment. The school has made significant efforts to provide pastoral support, helping students engage positively with their education. While behavior in lessons and during social times is generally good, attendance is improving but still presents challenges, with some pupils missing valuable lesson time. This affects their progress through the ambitious curriculum. The overall quality of outcomes for pupils is not as high as it should be.
The personal development curriculum is a strength of the school, with recent growth in leadership opportunities for pupils, such as reading and sports ambassadors. The school offers a range of clubs and extracurricular activities, promoting diversity and fundamental British values. Careers education for older pupils is effective, aiding them in making informed decisions about their future.
Leaders are committed to improving the school and have made notable progress since recent changes in senior leadership. The staff feel supported and part of a cohesive team, which contributes positively to the school environment. The curriculum has been strengthened and is ambitious, with careful sequencing of topics. All pupils, including those with special educational needs and disabilities, have access to the same curriculum, and staff are adept at identifying those who may need additional support.
Despite these strengths, there are areas for improvement. Teachers need to ensure that pupils' understanding is checked before moving on to new learning, as gaps in knowledge can hinder progress. Additionally, a significant number of pupils arrive late to lessons, which affects their learning opportunities. The school must work to improve punctuality and behavior to enhance overall learning experiences.
The school does not currently meet the requirements of the provider access legislation for careers education, which limits younger pupils' exposure to a broad range of opportunities. Addressing this gap is essential for helping pupils understand their future options. Furthermore, the strategic use of pupil premium funding needs to be better developed to support disadvantaged pupils effectively in their behavior, attendance, and academic progress.
The safeguarding arrangements at the school are effective, ensuring the safety and well-being of all pupils. The inspection highlighted the need for consistent checks on pupils' understanding and the importance of timely interventions to support their learning. Overall, while the Telford Langley School has made strides in various areas, continued focus on improving educational outcomes, attendance, and the effective use of resources will be crucial for future success.