Potter Street Academy, located in Harlow, Essex, has undergone significant improvements since its previous inspection, achieving a Good rating across all areas evaluated. The leadership team, comprising dedicated staff, governors, and trustees, has been instrumental in fostering a positive learning environment that promotes pupil achievement and well-being. The school has established a culture of high expectations, resulting in improved teaching and learning, as well as enhanced pupil behavior. Attendance rates have risen above the national average, and the number of exclusions has significantly decreased, indicating a positive shift in the school climate.
The curriculum offered at Potter Street Academy is engaging and stimulating, although there are areas for further development, particularly in foundation subjects. While pupils are challenged effectively in English and mathematics, there is a need for more rigorous assessment and progression planning in other subjects to ensure all pupils are adequately stretched. The school has made strides in improving the quality of teaching, with most pupils making good progress from their starting points. However, there are instances where learning activities do not fully meet the needs of all pupils, particularly those with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND).
Pupils' personal development is a strong aspect of the school, with a focus on fostering respect and positive relationships among students and staff. The school provides a safe and nurturing environment where pupils feel valued and supported. The transition programs in place help prepare pupils for the next stages of their education, ensuring a smooth progression to secondary school. The school’s commitment to safeguarding is evident, with effective procedures in place to protect all pupils.
The leadership team has a clear understanding of the school's strengths and areas for improvement, and they are actively working to address these. The governance structure is effective, with trustees and governors providing support and challenge to ensure continuous improvement. The school has successfully utilized additional funding, such as the pupil premium, to support disadvantaged pupils, and there is a focus on diminishing the gaps in achievement between different groups of pupils.
In the early years, there have been notable improvements, with children making good progress from their starting points. The leadership in this area is strong, and staff are well-trained to provide high-quality learning experiences. The curriculum in the early years is engaging, and children are encouraged to explore and learn through play, which supports their development across various areas.
Overall, Potter Street Academy is well-positioned for further improvement. The school community, including staff, parents, and pupils, is supportive and committed to the school's vision. Continued focus on enhancing the quality of teaching and learning, particularly in foundation subjects, and ensuring that all pupils, including those with SEND, are adequately challenged will be crucial for the school's ongoing success. The positive trajectory of the school indicates that it is on the right path to achieving even greater outcomes for its pupils in the future.