Kirby Primary Academy, located in Kirby Cross, Essex, has undergone significant improvements since its previous inspection, moving from a status of requiring improvement to being rated as good in all areas. The leadership and management of the academy have effectively strengthened the quality of teaching and learning, resulting in good outcomes for pupils. The curriculum has been broadened and enhanced, providing students with a diverse range of practical and engaging activities that foster their understanding in subjects such as history, geography, and science. The academy has established a safe and secure learning environment, ensuring that pupils, particularly those facing personal challenges, receive the support they need to make good progress.
Pupils exhibit positive behavior and demonstrate respect towards one another and the staff, contributing to a calm and orderly atmosphere within the academy. The teaching of phonics and writing has been consistently good, and there are effective strategies in place to support pupils' learning. In the early years, children are making rapid progress due to the quality of teaching and the effective use of assessment to identify and address their needs. The academy also excels in providing a wide range of sporting activities, supported by additional funding, which enhances pupils' physical education experiences.
Despite the overall positive outcomes, there are areas for further improvement. The teaching in key stage one has not yet reached the same level of effectiveness as in key stage two, which affects the outcomes for younger pupils. Leaders are aware of this and are implementing strategies to address the gaps in learning that have resulted from weaker teaching in the past. Assessment practices need to be sharpened to focus more on the critical areas that require improvement, particularly for pupils with gaps in their prior learning.
The governance of the school is strong, with governors demonstrating a good understanding of the academy's strengths and areas for development. They provide effective support and challenge to the leadership team, ensuring that the school continues to improve. Safeguarding measures are robust, with a culture of safety established throughout the academy. Staff are well-trained, and parents express confidence in the school's ability to keep their children safe.
In terms of pupil outcomes, there has been a marked improvement in standards and progress in reading, writing, and mathematics over the past three years, particularly in key stage two. Pupils are well-prepared for the next stage of their education by the end of Year six. The academy has successfully addressed previous weaknesses, and current assessments indicate that the most able pupils are achieving higher standards than before. Pupils with special educational needs and disabilities are also making good progress, supported by tailored interventions and resources.
Overall, Kirby Primary Academy is a good school that has made significant strides in improving the quality of education it provides. The leadership team is committed to continuous improvement, and with ongoing focus on enhancing teaching in key stage one and refining assessment practices, the academy is well-positioned to further elevate its standards and outcomes for all pupils.