The Olive School Hackney, located in temporary accommodation, has received an outstanding rating in its first inspection. The school opened in September 2013 as a Muslim faith free school and currently serves Reception, Year 1, and Year 2 classes, with plans to expand to the full primary age range. The leadership, led by the executive headteacher and headteacher, has established a strong educational framework that emphasizes high academic standards and personal development. The school community is characterized by impeccable pupil behavior, with students demonstrating politeness and respect as they navigate the school environment.
The curriculum is robust and well-planned, focusing on core skills while incorporating a rich variety of cultural studies, British history, and other faiths. This comprehensive approach has resulted in outstanding progress for pupils, who enter the school with starting points below the national average. By Year 2, pupils' attainment in reading, writing, and mathematics is at least in line with national figures, showcasing the effectiveness of the school's teaching strategies. The monitoring of academic progress is rigorous, with data used to tailor interventions that support all pupils, including those from disadvantaged backgrounds.
The quality of teaching is consistently outstanding, with a strong emphasis on collaboration between teachers and learning coaches. This teamwork ensures that pupils receive personalized support, contributing to their excellent progress. The school has implemented effective strategies for teaching phonics, resulting in high achievement in literacy. The teaching staff is well-supported through comprehensive training and performance management, fostering a culture of continuous improvement.
Pupil behavior is exemplary, with clear expectations established from the outset. The school environment is safe, and pupils feel secure, which is reflected in their positive attitudes towards learning. Attendance has improved significantly, and there have been no recorded incidents of bullying or racism. The school actively promotes a culture of respect and cooperation among students, further enhancing the learning environment.
The early years provision is also outstanding, with strong leadership ensuring that children in Reception receive an excellent start. Despite challenges related to outdoor space, staff make effective use of available resources and collaborate with a nearby school to enhance outdoor learning opportunities. The structured induction program for new pupils and their families fosters strong relationships and support networks.
Governance at the Olive School is highly effective, with governors demonstrating a clear understanding of the school's operations and a commitment to holding leaders accountable for pupil outcomes. The governing body is actively involved in the school's development plans, particularly regarding the transition to a new building.
Overall, the Olive School Hackney exemplifies excellence in education, with outstanding leadership, teaching quality, and pupil achievement. The school is well-prepared for future growth and continues to provide a nurturing and academically rigorous environment for its students. The commitment to equality of opportunity and the holistic development of pupils ensures that they are well-equipped for their future educational journeys.