Captains Close Primary School, located in Asfordby, Melton Mowbray, Leicestershire, has recently undergone an inspection from 15 to 16 October 2024. The school has been rated as good across all key areas, including the quality of education, behaviour and attitudes, personal development, leadership and management, and early years provision. The headteacher, Natalie Willcock, leads the school, which is part of the Discovery Schools Academies Trust, overseen by CEO Paul Stone and trustee chair Richard Bettsworth.
Pupils at Captains Close Primary School report feeling happy and safe, benefiting from a calm and caring environment. The relationships between pupils and staff are warm, fostering a friendly and respectful atmosphere. The school promotes positive behaviour through a code that encourages pupils to be ready, safe, and respectful. Students demonstrate positive attitudes towards learning and take pride in developing skills for the future. Older pupils effectively use individual laptops to navigate various learning platforms and understand online safety and the sustainable use of technology.
The school offers a broad range of experiences that contribute to pupils' personal development. Students enthusiastically participate in numerous clubs and events related to sports and music, and they enjoy representing their school in team activities. The school encourages pupils to take on responsible roles, such as class or sports ambassadors, and to lead events that foster community engagement. The school is committed to ensuring that all pupils, including those with special educational needs and disabilities, achieve their potential, and it is actively working to address areas where some pupils can improve.
The curriculum at Captains Close is ambitious and engaging, designed to build pupils' knowledge over time. While most subjects are well-planned, there are a few areas where pupils' knowledge is less secure. The school is revising its curriculum plans to ensure that learning objectives are clear and that knowledge is revisited regularly to aid retention. Teaching is generally effective, with staff utilizing technology to explain concepts clearly and involving pupils in assessing their learning. Adaptations are made for pupils with special educational needs, ensuring they receive tailored support.
Recently, the school identified a decline in reading achievement, particularly in phonics instruction. In response, the school implemented urgent measures, including intensive staff training, to enhance the teaching of phonics and reading. This has led to improved consistency in instruction and better tracking of pupils' progress. Pupils are now more engaged with reading and take pride in their achievements.
In the early years, children quickly adapt to routines that promote independence. However, staff need to improve their monitoring of children's engagement in independent activities and utilize assessment information more effectively to plan learning experiences. The school has revised its behaviour policy, which is generally well-received, but some pupils and parents remain unclear about certain aspects, leading to occasional inconsistencies in its application.
Pupils' attendance is an area for improvement, although the school actively promotes the importance of regular attendance and follows up on absences. Staff morale is high, with a strong sense of teamwork and support for professional development. Leaders are aware of the school's strengths and areas for improvement, and the trust provides necessary support.
The safeguarding arrangements at Captains Close Primary School are effective, ensuring a safe environment for all pupils. The school is committed to continuous improvement, focusing on embedding curriculum revisions, enhancing early years assessment practices, and ensuring consistent understanding and application of the behaviour policy. Overall, Captains Close Primary School demonstrates a strong commitment to providing a quality education and fostering a positive learning environment for its pupils.