Langmoor Primary School Oadby, located in Leicester, has recently undergone its first inspection since becoming an academy. The inspection, conducted on 14 and 15 November 2023, resulted in an overall effectiveness rating of Requires Improvement. The quality of education was also rated as Requires Improvement, while behaviour and attitudes, as well as personal development, were rated as Good. Leadership and management, along with early years provision, were similarly rated as Requires Improvement.
The school is characterized by a welcoming atmosphere and a strong sense of community. Pupils feel valued and supported, with parents expressing appreciation for the individual attention their children receive. The school promotes values such as respect, teamwork, kindness, creativity, perseverance, and responsibility, which contribute to a calm and orderly learning environment. Pupils take pride in their roles within the school and feel that their opinions are valued, leading to positive changes in their school community.
Despite these strengths, the curriculum lacks clarity in identifying key knowledge that pupils need to retain. This has resulted in inconsistencies in how subjects are taught, leading to gaps in essential knowledge in some areas. While pupils achieve well in mathematics, where the curriculum is well-defined, similar success is not evident in most foundation subjects. Reading outcomes are positive by the end of key stage two, but early readers do not always receive the targeted support they require.
The school has made recent revisions to its behaviour systems and curriculum, which have positively impacted pupil conduct and attitudes. However, the implementation of the curriculum has not been rigorously monitored, leading to variability in teaching quality. The school has a broad and balanced curriculum, but it lacks a clear and logical structure in many foundation subjects, including early years education. This inconsistency can hinder pupils' learning and understanding.
Pupils with special educational needs and disabilities are identified quickly, and appropriate support plans are in place. Some pupils benefit from tailored support, which helps them engage with the curriculum more effectively. The foundations for positive behaviour are established in the early years, where children learn to listen, take turns, and follow routines. However, the specific knowledge that early years pupils need to acquire has not yet been clearly defined.
The school has a well-designed programme for personal development, helping pupils understand health and safety. They engage in activities that promote appreciation for diversity within their community. The leadership team, supported by the trust, has developed a clear vision for the school, but some checks on its implementation lack rigor and accountability.
Staff express pride in their work and feel supported, with their well-being considered in decision-making processes. Safeguarding arrangements are effective, with pupils feeling safe and knowing how to report concerns. However, some safeguarding practices and record-keeping need improvement to create a comprehensive understanding of pupils' needs.
To improve, the school must ensure that safeguarding practices are regularly reviewed and strengthened. The curriculum needs to clearly define the knowledge that pupils must retain across all subjects, including early years. Additionally, the implementation of the curriculum must be consistent, with staff receiving the necessary training and support to deliver it effectively. Timely checks on curriculum implementation will help the school identify areas of success and those needing further action. Overall, while Langmoor Primary School Oadby has a strong community spirit and positive pupil attitudes, it faces challenges in curriculum delivery and consistency that need to be addressed for further improvement.