Westbrook Primary School, located in Hounslow, has recently undergone an inspection that highlighted its strong performance across various areas. The school is led by headteacher Melvyn Tatters and operates as a single academy trust overseen by a board of trustees chaired by Paul Bepey. The inspection, conducted on September 24 and 25, 2024, resulted in a consistent rating of good across all key areas, including the quality of education, behaviour and attitudes, personal development, leadership and management, and early years provision.
Pupils at Westbrook Primary School take pride in their inclusive environment, where they are encouraged to give their best efforts. This positive atmosphere contributes to high levels of achievement, particularly among disadvantaged pupils and those with special educational needs and disabilities. The school’s mission statement, which emphasizes aiming high, learning together, and feeling proud, is evident in the daily experiences of the students. The school fosters a sense of safety and happiness among its pupils, who enjoy engaging learning experiences that promote respect for diverse cultures.
Behaviour at the school is commendable, with pupils displaying positive attitudes towards learning. They are generally polite and confident, and the school maintains high expectations for behaviour across all year groups. Instances of low-level disruption are infrequent, allowing for a focused learning environment. The curriculum is ambitious and well-structured, ensuring that all pupils, including those with SEND, receive a solid foundation in essential skills. Academic outcomes in national assessments indicate that pupils perform well in reading, writing, and mathematics by the end of Year 6.
While the curriculum is generally well-organized, there are areas for improvement. In some subjects, teaching does not consistently revisit prior knowledge, which can hinder pupils' confidence in connecting new learning with what they have previously learned. Additionally, there are instances where essential knowledge and skills are not clearly defined, leading to gaps in understanding for some pupils. The school is encouraged to ensure that the curriculum is explicitly defined across all subjects to build knowledge and skills coherently.
Reading instruction is a strong point at Westbrook Primary School, with teachers effectively teaching phonics and ensuring that reading materials align with pupils' current skills. This systematic approach helps pupils become fluent readers from an early age. Support is provided for those who struggle, enabling them to catch up with their peers. The school also emphasizes the importance of communication and language skills, fostering a love of reading among pupils.
The school’s commitment to personal development is evident through its rich extracurricular offerings, which include activities such as origami, football, and choir participation. Pupils also benefit from educational trips, enhancing their learning experiences. The school promotes active citizenship, teaching pupils to respect different beliefs and encouraging their involvement in the local community.
Staff at Westbrook Primary School report a supportive environment that values their well-being and professional development. Leaders and the governing body are ambitious for all pupils, ensuring that the school provides positive experiences and inclusive education. The school actively encourages parental involvement in their children's education, fostering a strong community connection.
Overall, Westbrook Primary School demonstrates a commitment to providing a high-quality education in a nurturing environment. While there are areas identified for improvement, the school’s strengths in curriculum delivery, pupil behaviour, and personal development contribute to its positive reputation within the community. The effective safeguarding arrangements further ensure that pupils are well cared for and supported in their educational journey.