Ofsted conducted a short inspection of Skegby Junior Academy on 30 January 2019, following its previous judgment of good in May 2015. The inspection confirmed that the school continues to maintain a good quality of education. The leadership team has effectively created a supportive environment where students feel valued, even amidst challenging circumstances. The school offers engaging experiences, such as a forest school program, which helps develop essential life skills like resilience and resourcefulness. The leadership's commitment to preparing students for a changing world is evident in their efforts to enhance motivation and aspirations through initiatives like the Career Mark.
Since the last inspection, there have been significant changes in staffing, with many new teachers joining the school. The principal, Mrs. Marples, has set higher expectations for student behavior and has worked diligently to improve teaching quality. Although student attainment remains below average, progress from starting points aligns with national peers. The Greenwood Academies Trust provides robust support and accountability, with the chief executive officer actively involved in the school's development.
Staff at Skegby Junior Academy express pride in their work and are eager to implement improvements. New staff receive strong support, allowing them to integrate quickly and effectively. Collaboration among staff is evident in lesson planning and student work, contributing to consistency in teaching. Parents generally hold positive views of the school, appreciating the changes made and the support provided for students with special educational needs.
Pupils exhibit politeness and friendliness, taking pride in their school. They value the relationships they build and enjoy special curriculum days and activities that foster a love for learning. Their work is presented to a high standard, and they are proud of their achievements, including success in writing competitions. The school has focused on improving reading since the last inspection, resulting in increased opportunities for students to engage with texts. The school library is a vibrant space that encourages reading, and pupils report significant improvements in their reading skills.
Safeguarding practices are effective, with a strong culture of safety throughout the school. Staff recruitment processes are rigorous, and leaders collaborate with external professionals to ensure timely support for students and families. The school has successfully reduced fixed-term exclusions by implementing clear expectations and supportive measures for students with challenging behavior.
The inspection findings indicate that leaders are actively working to enhance reading progress, which has improved significantly since 2016. While mathematics progress aligns with national averages, it has not seen the same level of improvement. Leaders are aware of this and are taking steps to address it, including providing more opportunities for real-life application of mathematical concepts. The school serves a high proportion of disadvantaged pupils, and while pupil premium funding has been effectively utilized to support communication skills and engagement, some disadvantaged pupils still show weaker progress compared to their peers.
Attendance has improved, with a notable reduction in persistent absenteeism. The school adopts a caring approach to address attendance issues, involving pupils in developing strategies to promote good attendance. Overall, the school is on a positive trajectory, with clear next steps identified for further improvement in mathematics and the attainment of disadvantaged pupils.