Ofsted conducted a short inspection of West End Academy on 2 July 2019, following its previous judgment of good in May 2015. The inspection confirmed that the school continues to maintain a good quality of education. The leadership team has shown a commitment to ongoing improvement, effectively addressing areas identified for development through thorough self-evaluation. The school has established clear priorities for improvement, and the staff has worked collaboratively to implement these changes.
Teachers are utilizing time effectively in lessons, ensuring that learning begins promptly. The planning of lessons includes increasingly challenging tasks, which pupils appreciate, expressing that there is always more to learn. Leaders have focused on equipping pupils with the necessary knowledge and skills to work independently and confidently. As a result, pupils are becoming confident learners who embrace challenges and receive the support they need from their teachers.
The school environment is calm and orderly, with pupils demonstrating positive attitudes towards learning. They are resilient and persistent when faced with challenging tasks, collaborating well with peers and exhibiting exemplary conduct. Pupils express enthusiasm for the diverse opportunities available at the school, including a wide range of subjects and extracurricular activities. Many parents and carers have expressed satisfaction with the school, noting that their children are well taught and making good progress.
Staff members feel supported by leaders, who provide a balanced approach to professional development. They appreciate opportunities for collaboration and learning from one another, which has positively impacted their teaching practices. Governors possess a strong understanding of the school's strengths and areas for improvement, actively holding leaders accountable for their actions.
Safeguarding measures are effective, with staff well-trained and aware of their responsibilities. Pupils feel safe and confident in reporting any concerns, knowing that trusted adults are available to help. The school has fostered a strong culture of safeguarding, and parents generally feel their children are happy and safe.
The inspection highlighted improvements in phonics teaching, which has become more effective in helping pupils develop reading skills. Teachers ensure that pupils understand the words they are learning, and there are ample opportunities for practice. Additionally, the teaching of mathematics has seen significant improvements, with clear explanations and strategies to support problem-solving. However, there is recognition that more work is needed to raise the proportion of pupils achieving higher standards in mathematics.
The curriculum is broad and balanced, allowing pupils to study various subjects in depth. The use of specialist teachers has contributed to ongoing improvements, and careful planning ensures that pupils build on their skills progressively. Attendance has been a focus, with initiatives in place to improve rates, particularly for disadvantaged pupils. While overall attendance has improved, it remains below the national average.
Moving forward, leaders and governors are encouraged to embed strategies for enhancing teaching, learning, and assessment to improve attainment and progress for all pupils, particularly in key stage two. Continued efforts to improve attendance are also essential to align with national figures. The inspection findings indicate a strong foundation for further development, with a commitment to excellence in education at West End Academy.