Tudor Academy is a primary school located in New Addington, Croydon, Surrey, which has undergone significant improvements since its previous inspection. The school is now rated as good in overall effectiveness, leadership and management, quality of teaching, personal development, behavior and welfare, and outcomes for pupils. The leadership team, including trustees and governors, has established high expectations and a clear vision for the school, effectively identifying strengths and areas for development. They have implemented rigorous monitoring systems to ensure continuous improvement and have provided staff with high-quality professional development opportunities.
The quality of teaching at Tudor Academy is strong, with teachers demonstrating good subject knowledge and effective classroom management. They create vibrant learning environments that engage pupils and encourage them to take pride in their work. The teaching of phonics is particularly effective, enabling pupils to develop strong reading skills from an early age. The school emphasizes reading for pleasure, which has positively impacted pupils' enjoyment and comprehension skills. Writing and mathematics are also taught effectively, with pupils given opportunities to write for various purposes and engage in problem-solving activities.
Pupils at Tudor Academy make good progress from their starting points, achieving well across the curriculum. The school’s assessment information indicates that the most able pupils consistently perform well, and disadvantaged pupils are supported effectively to ensure they make strong progress. The school has implemented robust systems to support pupils with special educational needs and disabilities, ensuring they receive the necessary assistance to thrive academically.
The personal development and welfare of pupils are prioritized, with a strong focus on promoting positive attitudes and behaviors. Pupils demonstrate respect for one another and take pride in their school community. The school has established effective systems to address social and emotional learning needs, particularly through the Tudor Rose provision, which supports pupils in managing their behavior and enhancing their learning experiences. The school promotes British values and encourages pupils to understand their rights and responsibilities as citizens.
While attendance is a priority, persistent absenteeism remains a challenge, particularly for certain groups of pupils. Leaders are actively working to address this issue to ensure that all pupils attend school regularly. The school has a comprehensive safeguarding framework in place, ensuring that pupils feel safe and secure. Staff are well-trained in safeguarding procedures, and the school promotes a culture of safety through its curriculum and community engagement.
The early years provision at Tudor Academy is also rated as good, with children making strong progress from their starting points. The early years curriculum is well-structured, providing children with a range of engaging activities that promote their development across all areas of learning. The school environment is stimulating and well-resourced, encouraging children to explore and learn independently.
Overall, Tudor Academy has made significant strides in improving its educational offerings and outcomes for pupils. The leadership team’s commitment to high standards, effective teaching practices, and a supportive learning environment has resulted in a positive school culture where pupils can thrive academically and personally. The school is well-positioned to continue its journey of improvement, with clear strategies in place to address any remaining challenges.