Holmes Chapel Primary School, located in Cheshire, underwent its first inspection as an academy in June 2015, receiving an outstanding rating across all areas. The headteacher's inspirational leadership has driven significant improvements in teaching quality and student achievement. The governing body is a notable strength, providing knowledgeable support and challenge to school leaders. The ambition shared among the headteacher, senior leaders, governors, and staff is evident, with a strong commitment to making the school the best it can be.
Pupils at Holmes Chapel Primary School achieve outstanding results, consistently making excellent progress. By the end of Year 6, students reach standards in reading, writing, and mathematics that significantly exceed national averages. The high-quality teaching across all year groups ensures that every pupil achieves exceptionally well. Teachers effectively use questioning techniques to assess and advance pupils' learning at a rapid pace. However, while high expectations and effective marking are prevalent in most classes, consistency in these practices is still needed in some Key Stage 1 and 2 classes.
The early years provision is also outstanding, with children making rapid progress from their various starting points. They are exceptionally well-prepared for Year 1 due to the effective leadership and teaching they receive. Pupils exhibit exemplary behavior in lessons, demonstrating positive attitudes towards learning and enjoying challenges. They interact well with peers, contributing to a caring school environment. Students feel safe and supported, a sentiment echoed by the majority of parents.
The curriculum is designed to enhance pupils' skills in core subjects while providing a broad range of engaging topics. School visits and extracurricular activities further enrich the learning experience. The school effectively promotes pupils' spiritual, moral, social, and cultural awareness, fostering good relationships and addressing any form of discrimination robustly. Staff morale is high, with teachers expressing pride in the school's achievements.
During the inspection, evidence was gathered through lesson observations, pupil discussions, and reviews of school data and documentation. Inspectors noted the school's effective use of pupil premium funding to support disadvantaged students, ensuring they make progress comparable to their peers. The physical education and sports funding is also utilized effectively, enhancing pupils' physical education experiences and increasing teachers' confidence in delivering sports activities.
Holmes Chapel Primary School's leadership and management are outstanding, with rigorous checks on pupil progress ensuring that all students are challenged to reach their potential. Subject leaders contribute significantly to improving educational provision, and the school's curriculum is engaging and well-structured. The governing body plays an active role in the school's life, regularly monitoring performance and holding leaders accountable.
In summary, Holmes Chapel Primary School is an outstanding institution that excels in delivering high-quality education. The commitment to continuous improvement, combined with effective leadership and governance, ensures that pupils receive an exceptional educational experience, preparing them well for future challenges. The school is dedicated to maintaining high standards and fostering an environment where all pupils can thrive.