Ofsted conducted a short inspection of St John the Evangelist Catholic Primary on 1 May 2019, following its previous judgment of good in July 2015. The inspection confirmed that the school continues to maintain a good quality of education. The leadership team has effectively managed significant staffing changes and ensured that these do not disrupt pupils' learning. The Multi-Academy Company has provided support and training to staff, enhancing the quality of education. The governing body is actively involved in strategic decisions and has developed a better understanding of the school through assigned roles. They monitor safeguarding procedures and the effectiveness of additional funding, ensuring that pupils are kept safe.
Parents and carers expressed positive views about the school, highlighting the safety and well-being of their children. Many appreciated the nurturing environment and the approachability of the teaching staff. However, some concerns were raised regarding recent staff changes and communication between home and school, which the school is addressing. Pupils enjoy attending school and demonstrate positive attitudes towards their learning. Their behavior is exemplary, and they particularly enjoy physical education and sports, reflecting the variety of activities available to them.
Staff members take pride in their work and contribute to a calm and orderly environment that encourages high aspirations for pupils. Although there was a dip in standards after the last inspection, the school has collaborated with other institutions to drive improvement. The leadership team has continued to address previous areas for development, particularly in early years education, where questioning techniques have improved. Children are now taught essential skills such as pencil grip and letter formation from the start, leading to high-quality writing by the end of key stage two.
Safeguarding practices are effective, with a strong culture established to protect pupils. Staff are well-trained and vigilant, ensuring that any concerns are promptly addressed. Pupils are knowledgeable about online safety and know whom to approach with problems, confident that issues will be resolved.
The leadership team is experienced and focused on improving pupils' progress, particularly in phonics and reading. Despite recent improvements, the percentage of pupils achieving the expected standard in phonics has been below national averages due to gaps in staff knowledge. A specialist leader in phonics has been assisting with targeted teaching and training, leading to observed improvements in teaching quality. However, while there have been advancements in reading instruction, pupils do not express enthusiasm for reading, indicating a need to foster a greater love for reading within the school.
Attendance rates have historically been above national averages, but the school has implemented consistent policies to address this issue. The Educational Welfare Officer works closely with the school to monitor absences, resulting in improved attendance rates. Nevertheless, some pupils still miss too much school, disrupting their learning, and further efforts are needed to ensure regular attendance.
The next steps for the school include enhancing the culture of reading to cultivate a love for reading among pupils and building on effective absence management procedures to provide additional support for families of consistently absent pupils. The inspection findings highlight the school's strengths and areas for improvement, emphasizing the commitment to providing a high-quality education for all pupils.