Chivenor Primary School, located in Castle Vale, Birmingham, has undergone significant improvements since its previous inspection, where it was rated as requiring improvement. The recent inspection, conducted from April 30 to May 1, 2019, concluded that the school is now good in all areas, including leadership and management, teaching and learning, personal development, behavior and welfare, outcomes for pupils, and early years provision. The headteacher's strong leadership has been pivotal in driving these improvements, particularly following disappointing results in 2018. The school has implemented effective strategies that have led to nearly all pupils making good progress across various subjects.
Governance at Chivenor Primary is robust, with governors providing both challenge and support to school leaders. They have a clear understanding of how pupil premium funding is utilized, ensuring it effectively supports disadvantaged pupils. The behavior of pupils is commendable; they are respectful, welcoming, and maintain positive relationships with peers and staff. The quality of teaching is consistently good, with leaders regularly reviewing and enhancing teaching practices. In the early years, children make good progress from their typically low starting points, and efforts are being made to engage parents more in their children's learning.
The school promotes pupils' spiritual, moral, social, and cultural development effectively, with leaders and teachers reinforcing these values throughout the curriculum. While the curriculum enables strong gains in most subjects, there are areas, such as modern foreign languages, religious education, and geography, where improvements are needed to ensure pupils acquire and retain essential skills and knowledge. Overall, parents and carers express satisfaction with the school's work, although some have raised concerns about communication from leaders regarding issues that arise.
To further enhance its effectiveness, the school needs to ensure that the most disadvantaged pupils continue to make strong progress as they advance through their education. Additionally, improving communication with parents and carers will foster a greater sense of involvement in the school community. The curriculum must also be strengthened in specific subjects to provide pupils with comprehensive learning experiences.
The headteacher's ambitious vision for the school has led to significant changes since her appointment in November 2017. The partnership between leaders and governors has been instrumental in implementing necessary changes, and staff support the leadership team wholeheartedly. The school has established effective systems for monitoring the quality of provision and the impact of improvement plans, allowing leaders to identify strengths and weaknesses accurately.
Teachers have received high-quality professional development opportunities, which have positively impacted their teaching practices. Assessment information is analyzed regularly to ensure pupils are on track to meet their targets, and those at risk of falling behind receive timely support. The school effectively utilizes funding for pupils with special educational needs and disabilities, ensuring they make good progress.
Chivenor Primary has made commendable strides in improving outcomes for pupils, with current pupils demonstrating strong progress in reading, writing, and mathematics. The school has successfully addressed historical weaknesses in teaching, and pupils are now reading widely and fluently. The focus on developing pupils' skills in core subjects has allowed leaders to shift attention to other areas of the curriculum, yielding positive results, particularly in art and music.
In the early years, children are well-prepared for Year 1, with good progress evident in their development. The learning environment is stimulating, and staff closely monitor children's progress, involving parents in their learning journeys. Safeguarding practices are effective, ensuring children are safe and well-supported. Overall, Chivenor Primary School is on a positive trajectory, with a clear commitment to continuous improvement and the well-being of its pupils.