Ramnoth Junior School, located in Wisbech, Cambridgeshire, has undergone a significant transformation since its previous inspection, moving from an inadequate rating to a good overall effectiveness rating. The inspection conducted on 18 and 19 October 2022 highlighted the school’s commitment to providing a high-quality education that prepares pupils academically and socially for their next educational stages. The school has established high expectations for all pupils, including those with special educational needs and disabilities, fostering an environment of respect and understanding within the wider community.
Pupils at Ramnoth Junior School benefit from a diverse curriculum enriched with first-hand experiences that enhance their learning. Recent educational trips, such as visits to an air museum and wetlands, have proven effective in helping pupils recall historical facts and inspire their artwork. The careful planning and delivery of these experiences ensure that pupils retain essential knowledge and skills. The school promotes positive behavior, with pupils taking on responsibilities such as assisting younger students and welcoming visitors. Instances of bullying are rare, and when they occur, staff respond promptly, ensuring a safe environment for all pupils. The use of a ‘worry box’ and open communication with trusted adults further supports pupils in expressing their concerns.
The curriculum at Ramnoth Junior School is ambitious, with leaders outlining a comprehensive range of knowledge and skills for pupils to acquire by the end of Year 6. Staff receive training and support to enhance their subject knowledge and confidence in delivering the curriculum. However, there are occasional misinterpretations of the curriculum by teachers, leading to less effective learning activities. Reading is emphasized throughout the curriculum, with daily opportunities for pupils to engage with various texts. The school promotes a love for reading through inviting displays and reading areas, catering for different interests and reading levels.
Ramnoth Junior School is inclusive, ensuring that pupils with special educational needs have access to the same ambitious curriculum as their peers. The school identifies additional needs and provides appropriate support, enabling all pupils to achieve well from their starting points. Effective assessment systems are in place to monitor pupils’ knowledge, allowing for timely recapping and reinforcement of learning.
Pupils demonstrate positive attitudes towards learning, with staff consistently applying rewards and warnings to maximize engagement. The school encourages pupils to strive for excellence in behavior, fostering a culture of achievement. While the school captures incidents of unacceptable behavior, the cross-referencing of information can sometimes delay the provision of additional support for pupils in need.
Personal development is a key focus at Ramnoth Junior School, with trips and extracurricular activities broadening pupils’ horizons and fostering creativity. The school’s PSHE curriculum addresses sensitive issues, equipping pupils with the knowledge to navigate healthy relationships and personal challenges. Trust leaders effectively govern the school, providing support that has facilitated improvements since the last inspection. Staff feel valued, and leaders prioritize manageable workloads.
The safeguarding arrangements at Ramnoth Junior School are effective, with well-trained staff who promptly address concerns. However, the recording of behavior and welfare information across separate systems can hinder the identification of patterns and timely intervention. Leaders are working to improve these systems to enhance the support provided to pupils.
Overall, Ramnoth Junior School has made commendable progress, demonstrating a commitment to high standards in education and personal development. The school’s inclusive approach, strong leadership, and focus on pupil well-being contribute to a positive learning environment where all pupils can thrive.