Oasis Academy Putney is a primary school located in London, which has received a good overall effectiveness rating in its recent inspection. The leadership team, consisting of the assistant principal and executive principal, demonstrates a strong commitment to fostering a successful learning environment for all pupils. The school community is characterized by a harmonious atmosphere where staff, parents, and pupils feel valued and welcomed. The implementation of the Oasis 9 Habits promotes high expectations and a deep understanding of values among pupils, enhancing their spiritual, moral, social, and cultural development.
Governance at the school is effective, with governors holding leaders accountable and providing robust support and challenge. The nurturing environment created by adults ensures that pupils are well cared for and safe. Pupils exhibit exemplary behavior, showing politeness and respect, and they take pride in their work. The school enjoys strong parental support, with families appreciating the care and attention their children receive.
In the early years, children benefit from well-managed provision that enables them to make excellent progress from their starting points. The curriculum is stimulating and enriched with various activities, including trips and clubs, which engage pupils in their learning. Although many teachers are new to the school due to its expansion, effective support is provided to help them develop their skills, ensuring that pupils continue to achieve well.
Most pupils make good progress across subjects, although there is a need for more challenges for the most able pupils in areas beyond English and mathematics. In mathematics, while pupils develop a solid understanding of arithmetic, opportunities for practicing problem-solving and reasoning skills are limited. The school is committed to improving the quality of teaching and learning, focusing on providing more opportunities for pupils to apply their skills in practical contexts.
The leadership in early years is particularly strong, with a focus on ensuring that all children achieve high standards. The learning environment is vibrant and well-planned, offering a variety of activities that stimulate children's imagination and promote their social development. Staff engage effectively with parents, helping them understand the curriculum and how their children learn.
Pupils' personal development and welfare are outstanding, with a strong emphasis on respect and mutual understanding among pupils and staff. The school promotes physical health through regular exercise and healthy eating, and pupils are encouraged to participate in extracurricular activities. The behavior of pupils is exemplary, with well-established routines that foster a sense of responsibility and safety.
The school has demonstrated effective use of funding for disadvantaged pupils and those with special educational needs, ensuring they receive the support necessary to thrive. The assessment information indicates that pupils make good gains across subjects, although there is room for improvement in challenging the most able pupils in various subjects.
Overall, Oasis Academy Putney is a school that provides a supportive and enriching environment for its pupils, fostering their academic and personal growth. The commitment of the leadership team, the quality of teaching, and the strong community involvement contribute to the school's positive outcomes and reputation. The school is well-positioned to continue its journey of improvement and success for all its pupils.