Ofsted conducted a short inspection of Croxton Kerrial Church of England Primary School on 16 January 2019, following its previous judgment of good in June 2015. The inspection confirmed that the school continues to maintain its good status. The leadership team has effectively upheld the quality of education, demonstrating a commitment to enhancing the school environment where pupils' happiness and well-being are prioritized. Leaders have identified key areas for improvement and have implemented detailed plans to address them.
The school has made significant progress in addressing the areas for improvement identified in the last inspection. The monitoring of pupils' progress has become more rigorous, with teachers' assessments being validated by colleagues from other schools. This collaborative approach has fostered high expectations for individual pupils within small cohorts. Pupils express enjoyment in attending school, collaborating well in their learning and play. They feel assured that teachers will resolve any issues, whether related to social interactions or academic challenges. Parental feedback is generally positive, although some parents desire improved communication between the school and home.
The curriculum is broad and balanced, engaging pupils in a variety of topics. They take pride in their work, as evidenced by their impressive three-dimensional maps of the Indus Valley created during a geography project. Physical education is particularly popular, with specialist coaches leading lessons and the implementation of the daily mile initiative promoting fitness. The school council has successfully organized fundraising activities, fostering a sense of responsibility and community involvement among pupils.
The early years provision is well-organized and stimulating, both indoors and outdoors. Adults effectively guide and question children, promoting sustained concentration and engagement in activities. The proportion of pupils achieving a good level of development has steadily increased and now exceeds the national average.
The governing body possesses a thorough understanding of the school's strengths and weaknesses, holding leaders accountable for their performance. The school is an active participant in a multi-academy trust, with external advisors recognizing its positive impact on supporting other local schools. Safeguarding measures are robust, ensuring that pupils feel safe and are well-informed about safety practices, including online safety and road crossing. Staff are well-trained in safeguarding protocols, and incidents of poor behavior are rare, with effective measures in place to address any issues that arise.
The inspection identified several key areas for further improvement. Attendance levels have improved but still require attention to reach the national average. The allocation of additional funding for disadvantaged pupils is effective, yet some of these pupils need to make stronger progress in reading, writing, and mathematics to catch up with their peers. The training provided to teachers has enhanced writing instruction, leading to improved outcomes for pupils who previously struggled. However, there remains a need for continued focus on grammar, punctuation, and spelling to ensure consistently high standards in writing.
In summary, Croxton Kerrial Church of England Primary School continues to provide a good quality of education, with effective leadership and a supportive learning environment. The school is committed to ongoing improvement, focusing on enhancing communication with parents and ensuring that all pupils, particularly disadvantaged ones, achieve their full potential in all areas of learning.