Green Oaks Primary Academy, located in Northamptonshire, underwent an inspection on October 30-31, 2018, and received an overall effectiveness rating of good. The leadership and management of the school were also rated as good, reflecting the significant improvements made since the previous inspection, which had rated the school as inadequate. The principal and the new leadership team have successfully transformed the school, eradicating previously inadequate teaching and ensuring that the quality of teaching is now consistently good. As a result, current pupils are making much better progress than in the past.
The leadership team has a clear understanding of the school’s strengths and areas for development. They are knowledgeable about the pupil premium funding and the support for pupils with special educational needs and disabilities, ensuring that these students receive the necessary assistance to achieve well. The principal enjoys strong support from both staff and parents, contributing to a positive school environment. The curriculum is broad and balanced, offering numerous opportunities for pupils to engage in after-school activities and educational visits.
Pupils at Green Oaks are polite, well-behaved, and feel safe. Instances of bullying and low-level disruption are rare, and pupils who arrive with little or no English settle quickly and make good progress. The relationships between adults and pupils are positive, fostering a harmonious and purposeful atmosphere in classrooms. Early years provision is also rated as good, with children making significant progress from their low starting points.
Despite the improvements in teaching quality and pupil progress, some pupils are still not meeting age-related expectations in reading, writing, and mathematics. In 2018, the percentage of pupils achieving expected standards in end-of-key-stage tests was insufficient. Some teachers do not consistently challenge pupils or maintain high expectations for their achievements. Additionally, attendance rates, including persistent absence, have been higher than national averages in recent years.
To further improve, the school needs to enhance pupil progress to raise attainment in reading, writing, and mathematics by ensuring that teachers consistently challenge all pupils and maintain high expectations. Additionally, efforts should be made to improve personal development and welfare by reducing absence rates to below national averages.
The governance of the school is overseen by the Greenwood Academies Trust, which has effectively supported the recent improvements. The trust has provided training and monitoring to ensure that teaching quality has improved and that assessments of pupil progress are accurate. Safeguarding arrangements are effective, with designated safeguarding leads receiving appropriate training and maintaining detailed records of welfare concerns.
The quality of teaching, learning, and assessment is rated as good, with teachers planning engaging lessons that motivate pupils. The teaching of phonics has become a strength, and pupils enjoy reading, using their phonics skills to decode unfamiliar words. Teaching assistants are effectively deployed, supporting all groups of pupils and promoting independence among those with special educational needs.
Pupils’ outcomes require improvement, as attainment in reading, writing, and mathematics is lower than expected, particularly for those in Years 3, 4, and 5. However, there are signs of improvement, with current pupils making better progress in these areas. The early years provision is strong, with children making good progress and being well-prepared for Year 1. Overall, the school is on a positive trajectory, with a commitment to continuous improvement and a focus on raising standards for all pupils.