Pemberley Academy, located in Harlow, Essex, has recently undergone an ungraded inspection on January 23 and 24, 2024. The school has maintained its overall judgment of good, with indications that it could achieve an outstanding rating if a graded inspection were conducted. The headteacher, Lisa Fish, leads the school, which is part of the REAch2 Academy Trust, overseen by CEO Cathie Paine and chaired by Gavin Robert.
Pupils at Pemberley Academy thrive in a supportive environment where staff and students take pride in their school. Relationships between adults and pupils are warm, fostering a sense of safety and well-being. The school’s mission to provide exceptional experiences every day ensures that learning is engaging and inspiring. Pupils are encouraged to participate actively in lessons, resulting in minimal disruption and a strong focus on their studies. The curriculum is carefully planned to support all pupils, including those with special educational needs and disabilities, enabling them to achieve excellent outcomes and prepare for future educational stages.
The school emphasizes high expectations for all aspects of school life, starting from Reception, where children learn essential habits for success. Pupils navigate the school responsibly, and classrooms maintain a purposeful and calm atmosphere. Opportunities for personal development are abundant, with various clubs and extracurricular activities, including sports, drama, and yoga, alongside educational trips that enhance their understanding of the world.
Leadership at Pemberley Academy is effective, with aspirational goals for all pupils. The curriculum is thoughtfully designed, beginning in Reception, and is structured to build on prior knowledge. Teachers are adept at identifying and addressing misunderstandings, ensuring that pupils develop a comprehensive understanding across subjects. The school continually evaluates its curriculum to foster improvement, and pupils’ work reflects the high standards expected by adults.
Reading is prioritized, with a diverse range of texts introduced to pupils from an early age. The school supports children in developing their reading skills, ensuring they become confident and fluent readers. Any pupils struggling with reading receive timely assistance to help them catch up with their peers. Older pupils demonstrate their ability to analyze texts, contributing to a culture of enthusiasm for reading.
Pemberley Academy places significant importance on the wider development of its pupils. They learn about British values, equality, and citizenship, gaining confidence through various leadership roles available to them. The school fosters an inclusive environment where all pupils feel welcome and valued. The curriculum is enriched through carefully planned trips and visits that support learning across subjects, enhancing pupils' appreciation for art and geography.
Staff at the school appreciate the support provided by leaders, particularly in managing workloads. The trust maintains strategic oversight, holding leaders accountable while offering high-quality support to facilitate ongoing improvement. Safeguarding arrangements are effective, ensuring a safe environment for all pupils.
Overall, Pemberley Academy demonstrates a commitment to excellence in education, fostering a positive and enriching experience for its pupils. The school’s focus on high expectations, effective leadership, and a well-rounded curriculum contributes to its strong reputation and the success of its students. The next inspection is anticipated to be a graded one, reflecting the school’s potential for further recognition of its achievements.