Martello Primary School, located in Folkestone, Kent, has undergone a recent inspection that highlighted its overall effectiveness as good. The inspection took place on March 8 and 9, 2022, and marked a significant improvement from its previous grade of requires improvement. The school is characterized by a warm and welcoming environment where pupils feel happy and confident. They express pride in their school and appreciate the caring relationships developed with staff. Pupils feel safe, attributing this sense of security to the kindness of their teachers and their awareness of whom to approach with concerns, including issues related to bullying.
The school promotes a culture of respect and tolerance, encouraging pupils to understand and appreciate individual differences. Opportunities for responsibility are provided, with older pupils serving as playground leaders to assist younger students. The leadership team is ambitious for the pupils and has carefully structured the curriculum to enhance learning experiences. Lessons are engaging, fostering hard work among pupils, and those with special educational needs and disabilities receive appropriate support, particularly through the specialized provision known as The Lighthouse.
Community engagement is a priority for the school, with leaders and staff offering valuable support to pupils and their families. Parents have expressed appreciation for the care shown by staff, emphasizing their commitment to the well-being of both children and families. The mathematics curriculum is well-structured, with teachers adapting lessons to ensure secure learning before progressing. In early years, children engage in practical counting activities, while older pupils are encouraged to think critically and solve problems.
Reading is a key focus, with a strong emphasis on phonics in early years. Children enjoy stories and rhymes, which enhance their vocabulary and listening skills. The school ensures that reading materials are appropriately matched to pupils' abilities, providing support for those at risk of falling behind. The curriculum also includes opportunities for pupils to explore moral and ethical issues, fostering an inclusive ethos that promotes tolerance and respect.
While the school has made significant strides, there are areas for improvement. Leaders are refining the wider curriculum, with some subjects requiring further development to ensure depth of knowledge. Assessment systems in certain subjects need strengthening to better inform teaching and support pupil progress. Behaviour in lessons is generally good, with pupils encouraged to be ambitious in their learning.
Leaders, including trustees and local governors, have a clear understanding of the school's strengths and areas for development. Although progress was impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, improvement actions are now advancing rapidly. Professional development for teachers is prioritized, enhancing their expertise in delivering the curriculum effectively. Staff express high satisfaction with the support provided by school leaders, particularly regarding workload and well-being.
The safeguarding arrangements at Martello Primary School are effective, with staff receiving regular training and updates. Leaders ensure that safeguarding is a priority, and pupils are educated on how to keep themselves safe, including internet safety. Overall, the school is on a positive trajectory, with leaders committed to continuous improvement and ensuring that all pupils receive a high-quality education.