Perry Hall Primary School, located in Orpington, Kent, has recently undergone an inspection by Ofsted on November 22 and 23, 2023, and has been rated as outstanding in all areas of evaluation. The school has not been previously inspected under section five of the Education Act 2005, but it was previously judged to be outstanding before its transition to an academy. The headteacher, Lorraine Richards, leads the school, which is part of the Nexus Education Schools Trust, overseen by CEO Paula Farrow and a board of trustees chaired by Ann Golding.
The inspection highlighted that pupils take great pride in attending Perry Hall Primary School, where an ambitious curriculum is delivered through high-quality teaching. Teachers foster a culture of inquiry, encouraging pupils to engage deeply with their learning. The outcomes of this approach are evident in the impressive depth of knowledge and quality of work produced by the students. The school has established a reputation for exceptional behavior, with pupils demonstrating a strong focus on their learning due to the engaging nature of the lessons. The school’s values are integrated into daily life, promoting kindness and respect among students, who appreciate the diversity of beliefs and perspectives within their community. Pupils feel safe and supported, trusting the adults in the school to address any concerns they may have.
Perry Hall Primary School offers a wide range of extracurricular activities that enrich the curriculum and provide valuable life experiences. Students take on various roles that promote responsibility and leadership, such as animal carers and play pals, which contribute to a strong sense of community. The curriculum is carefully sequenced to build knowledge over time, with subject leaders providing effective support to teachers. The school emphasizes key knowledge, skills, and vocabulary, ensuring that pupils make meaningful connections across subjects. For example, Year 6 students engage in comparative studies of the Maya civilization and British history.
The early years provision is robust, with a stimulating learning environment that encourages curiosity and independent practice. Communication and language development are prioritized, with staff supporting children in using ambitious vocabulary. Teachers across all subjects demonstrate strong subject knowledge, enabling them to model learning effectively and challenge pupils to extend their thinking. The school is committed to inclusivity, ensuring that pupils with special educational needs and disabilities have access to the same ambitious curriculum, with tailored support provided as needed.
Reading is a key focus, with a structured approach to phonics that helps pupils develop confidence in their reading abilities. Regular assessments ensure that students are matched with appropriate reading materials. The school fosters a love of reading through various initiatives, including reading ambassadors who promote reading in the school community.
Perry Hall Primary School maintains high expectations for behavior and learning, with pupils understanding their role in creating a positive school environment. Attendance is strong, reflecting students' enthusiasm for being in school. The school offers a diverse range of clubs and activities that enhance learning experiences, encouraging pupils to engage with their community and develop as responsible global citizens.
The leadership team, in collaboration with the trust, is dedicated to the continuous development of the school. They work closely with other schools in the trust to provide enriching opportunities for pupils. Staff feel supported and valued, contributing to a positive working environment that ultimately benefits the students. The safeguarding arrangements in place are effective, ensuring a safe and nurturing environment for all pupils. Overall, Perry Hall Primary School exemplifies excellence in education, providing a well-rounded and enriching experience for its students.