Horsington Church School, located in Somerset, has been recognized for its effective action in maintaining the standards established during its previous inspection. The headteacher, Kelly Barge, leads the school, which is part of the Bath and Wells Multi Academy Trust. This trust is overseen by CEO Nikki Edwards and a board of trustees chaired by Oliver Cofler. The school has created a positive environment where pupils enjoy their education and interact well with one another. They exhibit good behavior, and staff members are dedicated to their care and support. The inclusive atmosphere is highly valued by students, who feel confident that they can seek help from adults when needed. Many students describe the school as wonderful, reflecting their overall satisfaction.
Pupils demonstrate enthusiasm for learning and appreciate the diverse opportunities available to them, including residential trips and activities like bikeability training. They feel recognized and celebrated for their achievements, which contributes to their sense of belonging and readiness for life beyond school. Parents and carers generally express satisfaction with their children's enjoyment of school. The school effectively supports all pupils, including those who are disadvantaged or have special educational needs and disabilities, ensuring they build a strong foundation in essential subjects like English and mathematics.
The curriculum at Horsington is ambitious and designed to prepare pupils for future educational stages. It emphasizes the acquisition of skills, knowledge, and vocabulary necessary for their development. Lessons are engaging, and pupils can recall previous learning, which indicates effective teaching practices. The school has broken down learning objectives into manageable steps, particularly in mathematics, allowing pupils to build on their knowledge progressively. Improvements in reading instruction have provided pupils with a solid foundation for future learning, with many becoming fluent readers early on. However, there are instances where writing expectations exceed pupils' capabilities, hindering their development in spelling and letter formation.
The school fosters a family-like atmosphere where pupils feel safe and well cared for. They behave respectfully towards adults and peers, and clear strategies are in place to support those who struggle with their learning. Teachers generally adapt their instruction to meet the needs of all pupils, although some subjects may present challenges that complicate the learning process. This can affect disadvantaged pupils and those with special educational needs, limiting their ability to grasp key concepts.
Pupils are encouraged to become responsible and active citizens, gaining an understanding of fundamental British values such as democracy and equality. The school has established strong connections with the local community, allowing older pupils to engage in meaningful projects and fundraising activities that foster empathy and social responsibility. Attendance is prioritized, and the school has implemented measures to improve regular attendance, resulting in positive trends.
Overall, the school has made significant strides in enhancing its curriculum and teaching practices. Leaders and staff have collaborated effectively to introduce new approaches, and the trust provides timely support and guidance. The school benefits from its connections with other institutions within the trust, which further enriches its educational offerings. Safeguarding measures are robust, ensuring the safety and well-being of all pupils. While the school has demonstrated many strengths, there are areas for improvement, particularly in ensuring that all subjects are taught with clarity and that writing activities are appropriately tailored to pupils' developmental stages.