Oakwood High School, located in Rotherham, South Yorkshire, has been recognized as a good school following its inspection on November 9 and 10, 2021. The school provides a safe and enjoyable environment for pupils, who appreciate the broad range of subjects available to them, regardless of their backgrounds or individual needs. The leadership team is committed to addressing any barriers to learning, ensuring that every pupil has the opportunity to succeed.
Pupils at Oakwood High School have access to numerous extra-curricular activities, including local, national, and international trips, as well as after-school clubs that enhance their academic, creative, and sporting experiences. The school invites visitors to enrich the learning environment, and high-quality support is provided to prepare pupils for life after school, including a structured work experience program for older students.
Respect among pupils is evident, with a strong appreciation for the diversity within the school community. Both pupils and parents report that incidents of bullying are rare, and when issues arise, they are addressed promptly and effectively. The school fosters a culture of high expectations, with most pupils demonstrating good behavior in and out of lessons. For those who struggle with self-regulation, personalized support is available through the school's pastoral program.
The curriculum at Oakwood High School is designed to be challenging and engaging, catering for pupils' aspirations and interests. In key stage three, all subjects in the national curriculum are taught, and additional support is provided for younger pupils needing help with reading or mathematics. The transition arrangements for new pupils entering Year 7 are well-regarded by both parents and students.
In key stage four, the school offers subjects aligned with local career opportunities, such as engineering and health and social care. Leaders maintain high ambitions for all pupils, with some students studying multiple modern foreign languages and all having the chance to pursue triple science. Regular evaluations of pupils' learning allow senior leaders to identify areas for improvement and target support effectively.
While the school has made significant strides, there are still inconsistencies in the implementation of the curriculum across different subjects. Leaders are aware of these discrepancies and are focusing on subjects such as science, geography, and history to ensure a more uniform experience for all pupils.
Support for pupils requiring additional help is prompt and effective, with specialists available for those who speak English as an additional language and for pupils with special educational needs and disabilities. However, the culture of reading within the school needs further development, as many pupils do not read widely or often.
Pupils generally exhibit good behavior, with low exclusion rates. When behavioral issues arise, effective support is provided, helping pupils learn from their mistakes. The school environment is calm and conducive to learning, with effective supervision during less structured times.
The personal, social, health, and economic education provision supports pupils' broader development, with initiatives such as the 'passports for learning' program for Year 7 pupils and a work experience program for Year 10 students. The leadership team values staff opinions and is attentive to their workload and well-being, contributing to a positive working environment.
Recent changes in the local governing body have led to a new chair being appointed, and while statutory responsibilities are met, governors need to enhance their understanding of the curriculum to better support and challenge school leaders. Safeguarding arrangements are effective, with appropriate checks on staff and systems in place to ensure pupil safety. Overall, Oakwood High School continues to provide a good education, with clear areas identified for further improvement.