Robert Bakewell Primary School in Loughborough, Leicestershire, has undergone a recent inspection, resulting in an overall effectiveness rating of good. The inspection took place on the 4th and 5th of October 2022, marking a significant improvement from its previous grade of requires improvement. The school is characterized by a strong sense of community, with staff and pupils expressing pride in their school identity, often referring to themselves as part of the #teamRB. The school’s values are well understood by pupils, who demonstrate positive attitudes towards their work and each other, contributing actively to school life through roles such as house captains and librarians.
The quality of education at Robert Bakewell is rated as good, with a well-structured curriculum that allows pupils to build their knowledge progressively across many subjects. For instance, in art, pupils can articulate their understanding of techniques used by artists like William Turner. However, there are areas where curriculum clarity is lacking, particularly in some subjects where leaders have not clearly defined the essential knowledge pupils need to acquire. This inconsistency affects the effectiveness of assessment practices, as not all subjects have a uniform approach to evaluating pupil learning.
Mathematics instruction is notably strong, with a clear sequence for introducing new concepts. Pupils are able to use mathematical vocabulary confidently and demonstrate their understanding through problem-solving. The school places a high priority on reading, employing a consistent phonics teaching approach that helps pupils develop their reading skills effectively. Staff ensure that reading materials are aligned with the phonics knowledge being taught, and additional support is provided to help all pupils keep pace with their learning.
In the early years, positive relationships between children and adults foster an engaging learning environment. Teachers focus on tasks that promote independent learning and enhance communication and language skills. The school is currently reviewing its assessment strategies to ensure that they effectively identify gaps in pupil learning, particularly in subjects where curriculum expectations are less clear.
Pupils exhibit commendable behavior both in lessons and during playtime, and they take pride in their achievements. The school has implemented various strategies to improve attendance and support pupils who may struggle with behavior. The personal development of pupils is a strong focus, with leaders encouraging confidence and character development. However, there is some inconsistency in pupils' understanding of British values, particularly regarding the concept of democracy.
Trustees are well-informed about the school's operations and hold leaders accountable while providing support for improvement initiatives. The school has established effective safeguarding measures, with a strong culture of safety and well-trained staff who are vigilant in identifying and addressing potential risks to pupils. The curriculum includes opportunities for pupils to learn about safety, including online safety, and pupils feel confident in reporting concerns.
To further enhance its effectiveness, the school needs to ensure that the key knowledge and content across all subjects are clearly defined and sequenced. This will help in building a coherent curriculum that supports all pupils, including those with special educational needs and disabilities. Additionally, improving assessment practices to consistently identify learning gaps will be essential for driving pupil progress. Overall, Robert Bakewell Primary School demonstrates a commitment to providing a supportive and effective educational environment for its pupils.