John Donne Primary School, located in London, has recently undergone an inspection, receiving an overall effectiveness rating of good. The inspection took place on November 29 and 30, 2023, and evaluated various aspects of the school, including the quality of education, behavior and attitudes, personal development, leadership and management, and early years provision, all of which were also rated as good. The school, which opened in January 2014, is part of the Nexus Education Schools Trust and is led by headteacher Jo Rooney.
Pupils at John Donne Primary School demonstrate motivation and enthusiasm for their learning. Classrooms are described as settled and purposeful, where students listen attentively and collaborate effectively. The school fosters warm and respectful relationships between adults and pupils, encouraging students to voice any concerns they may have. Opportunities for responsibility are provided through roles such as digital leaders and participation in the school council.
The leadership team is ambitious regarding pupil achievement and ensures that all students, including those with special educational needs and disabilities, are expected to engage with a broad and interesting curriculum. The curriculum includes unique experiences, such as performing poetry and learning outdoors in an open-air kitchen. Additionally, pupils are introduced to Spanish cultural heritage as part of their language studies. The school emphasizes memorable experiences, including residential trips for older students that build on prior learning.
The curriculum is carefully sequenced to develop knowledge logically over time. Younger pupils focus on rehearsing key knowledge, while older pupils are supported in recalling previously learned material. However, in some newer areas of the curriculum, there is a need for more rigorous teaching to help pupils build and recall knowledge effectively. Vocabulary development is a priority, with teachers providing clear definitions and support for accurate usage, enabling pupils to articulate their learning in detail.
The school has implemented a new phonics scheme, with staff receiving training to enhance their expertise. This has resulted in pupils reading with fluency and confidence, enjoying a diverse range of literature. The school’s approach to assessment is generally effective, although in some areas, the assessment methods are still developing, leading to a less clear understanding of pupil progress.
Pupils with special educational needs receive well-devised individual support, allowing them to learn alongside their peers. The school has established strong routines that promote good behavior, teaching children to interact positively and treat one another kindly. Attendance is monitored closely, with leaders taking steps to address any issues.
In personal, social, health, and economic education lessons, pupils learn about healthy choices, safety, and the importance of respect for different cultures and backgrounds. The leadership structure is well-defined, with effective roles that contribute to the school’s ongoing improvement.
The safeguarding arrangements at the school are effective, ensuring a safe environment for all pupils. However, the school is encouraged to enhance its assessment systems to gain a clearer picture of pupil learning in certain subjects. Additionally, there is a need for teaching to focus more consistently on helping pupils recall essential knowledge accurately across all subjects. Overall, John Donne Primary School is making significant strides in providing a quality education, with a clear commitment to continuous improvement.