Sunnyside Spencer Academy, located in Beeston, Nottinghamshire, has been recognized as a good school following its inspection on July 12 and 13, 2023. The evidence gathered during the inspection indicates that the school has made significant improvements in its performance, suggesting that it could potentially be rated as outstanding in a future graded inspection. The school prides itself on being a welcoming and inclusive environment where pupils feel valued and safe. Students express pride in attending the school, highlighting the caring nature of the teachers and staff as a key aspect of their positive experience.
The school maintains high expectations for all pupils, encouraging them to achieve their best despite any challenges they may face. This commitment is reflected in the positive outcomes most pupils achieve. The atmosphere within the school is calm, and pupils generally exhibit good behavior, demonstrating readiness to learn and enjoyment in their lessons. Staff members are well-trained and provide effective support for those pupils who may exhibit more challenging behavior. For pupils who require additional time to settle, the school offers a nurture class known as the Orchard, where they can learn to self-regulate their emotions and progress at their own pace.
Outdoor learning is also a significant part of the school experience, with pupils enjoying the forest school provision and a variety of extracurricular clubs, including netball, eco club, and choir. Parents and carers have expressed overwhelming positivity towards the school, with many noting the warm and supportive environment created by the staff.
Leadership at Sunnyside Spencer Academy is characterized by high aspirations for all pupils. The curriculum is well-structured, allowing pupils to build essential knowledge over time. Teachers demonstrate confidence in their subject areas and regularly assess pupils' understanding, ensuring that any gaps in knowledge are identified and addressed. The school has implemented a 'flashback Fridays' activity to help pupils retain previously learned information.
Pupils with special educational needs and disabilities receive the necessary support to access the curriculum alongside their peers. Teachers adapt their teaching methods to accommodate these pupils, breaking down tasks into manageable steps and providing prompts to aid understanding. While leaders track the overall progress of most pupils, there is a plan to extend this tracking to include more detailed assessments for pupils with special educational needs.
Reading is a priority for the school, with a focus on instilling a love of reading from an early age. Staff are trained in phonics instruction, and support is provided for pupils who may struggle with communication and language skills. Most pupils are able to apply their phonics knowledge effectively when reading, although some of the weakest readers may face challenges in blending sounds.
Children in the early years benefit from a rich learning environment that promotes language development and communication skills. They engage confidently in discussions about their learning and are well-prepared for the transition to Year 1. The school also emphasizes the importance of understanding and respecting differences among individuals, promoting physical and mental well-being.
Staff at Sunnyside Spencer Academy express pride in their work and feel supported by leadership in managing their workload and well-being. Governance is effective, with those responsible for oversight understanding the school's strengths and collaborating with leaders to ensure continuous improvement. Safeguarding arrangements are robust, with a strong culture of vigilance and regular training for staff to identify and respond to potential risks. Overall, Sunnyside Spencer Academy is a school that fosters a positive learning environment, prioritizes pupil well-being, and is committed to ongoing improvement.