Forge Wood Primary School, located in Crawley, West Sussex, has been recognized for its outstanding performance in various aspects of education. The school, which opened in 2016, serves a diverse community and has quickly established itself as a center of excellence. The leadership team, comprising the headteacher and deputy headteacher, is noted for its inspirational guidance, fostering a positive and inclusive environment where both staff and pupils thrive. The school has achieved remarkable results in teaching, learning, and assessment, with pupils demonstrating exceptional progress across the curriculum.
The quality of teaching at Forge Wood Primary is consistently high, with educators setting challenging and engaging activities that cater to the diverse needs of all pupils. This approach ensures that every child, including those with special educational needs and the most able, is supported in their learning journey. The curriculum is designed to be exciting and relevant, encouraging pupils to explore and discover new concepts while developing critical thinking skills. The school's commitment to high expectations is evident in the pupils' enthusiasm for learning and their ability to articulate their thoughts and ideas clearly.
Pupils at Forge Wood Primary exhibit excellent behavior, contributing positively to the school environment. They are respectful, polite, and eager to engage in their learning. The school promotes personal development and well-being, ensuring that pupils feel safe and valued. Strong relationships between staff and pupils foster a sense of belonging, enabling children to thrive both academically and socially. The school’s focus on developing language skills is particularly effective, as pupils learn to express themselves confidently and articulate their views.
The early years provision at Forge Wood is exceptional, providing children with a solid foundation for their future education. The early years team creates a nurturing environment where children are encouraged to explore and learn through play. This approach not only enhances their academic skills but also promotes social and emotional development. Children are well-prepared for the transition to Year 1, having developed strong communication and interpersonal skills.
Governance at the school is robust, with the school strategy board actively involved in monitoring and supporting the school's progress. Board members engage with staff and pupils, ensuring that they have a comprehensive understanding of the school's performance and areas for development. The multi-academy trust provides additional support and resources, further enhancing the school's capacity to deliver high-quality education.
Forge Wood Primary School is committed to continuous improvement and is well-prepared for future growth as it expands into key stage 2. The leadership team has developed a clear vision for the school's development, ensuring that high standards are maintained as the school evolves. The school’s curriculum is designed to promote not only academic success but also the personal and social development of pupils, equipping them with the skills they need to succeed in life.
Overall, Forge Wood Primary School stands out as an exemplary institution that prioritizes the needs of its pupils and fosters a culture of excellence. The combination of outstanding leadership, high-quality teaching, and a supportive learning environment contributes to the school’s success and the exceptional outcomes achieved by its pupils. The school is a testament to the positive impact of effective educational practices and community engagement, making it a valuable asset to the local area.