Crossacres Primary Academy, located in Wythenshawe, Manchester, has recently undergone an inspection that has resulted in an overall effectiveness rating of outstanding. The inspection took place on January 24 and 25, 2023, and assessed various aspects of the school, including the quality of education, behavior and attitudes, personal development, leadership and management, and early years provision, all of which were rated outstanding. This is the first inspection under section five of the Education Act 2005 since the school converted to an academy in April 2014.
Pupils at Crossacres Primary Academy demonstrate a strong commitment to meeting the high expectations set by school leaders. They are motivated to become the best versions of themselves and take pride in their achievements, often celebrated through recognition such as badges. The behavior of pupils is exemplary, contributing to a calm and focused learning environment. They feel safe and supported, trusting staff to address any concerns, including instances of bullying, swiftly and effectively.
The school has established a rich and engaging curriculum that aligns with the national curriculum and exceeds its expectations in certain subjects. Leaders have clearly defined the knowledge and skills that pupils are expected to acquire from their early years through to Year 6. This meticulous planning ensures that pupils make remarkable progress from their starting points. Subject leaders possess significant expertise and provide high-quality curriculum materials, enabling teachers to deliver lessons effectively and ensuring that pupils build a robust body of knowledge.
Teachers regularly assess pupils' understanding and retention of knowledge, allowing them to build on their learning successfully. Pupils articulate their learning with confidence, demonstrating a strong grasp of both prior and new knowledge. The school has also recognized the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on early vocabulary development and has implemented strategies to enhance communication and language skills among younger children.
Reading is a central focus of the curriculum, with staff trained to deliver phonics instruction effectively. Books are carefully matched to pupils' phonetic knowledge, supporting their development as proficient readers. Those who struggle with reading receive prompt and tailored support, enabling them to catch up quickly. The school fosters a love of reading through various initiatives, including book clubs and well-stocked class libraries, which contribute to pupils' overall academic success.
Crossacres Primary Academy is committed to inclusivity, ensuring that pupils with special educational needs and disabilities are identified early and receive appropriate support. These pupils learn alongside their peers and benefit from tailored programs that address their individual needs, including emotional well-being support.
The school places a strong emphasis on personal development, providing pupils with a broad range of experiences that promote understanding of diversity and healthy relationships. Staff support pupils in developing positive learning behaviors, which contribute to an environment conducive to learning without disruption.
Feedback from staff indicates overwhelming satisfaction with the support and consideration provided by school leaders, who effectively manage workload and well-being. Governors are actively involved in monitoring the school's performance and are dedicated to ensuring the success of every pupil.
The safeguarding arrangements at Crossacres Primary Academy are effective, with staff trained to recognize and respond to welfare concerns promptly. Pupils are educated about potential risks, including online safety, and feel confident in seeking help from trusted adults.
Overall, Crossacres Primary Academy exemplifies excellence in education, demonstrating a commitment to high standards, inclusivity, and the holistic development of its pupils.