Middleton Primary School has been recognized as an outstanding institution following its recent inspection on May 4 and 5, 2023. The school maintains high expectations for all its pupils, fostering an environment where students thrive and exhibit positive attitudes towards learning. The commitment of the staff to support every pupil, including those with special educational needs and disabilities, ensures that all students access the full curriculum and achieve exceptional learning outcomes.
Pupils at Middleton Primary School express happiness and a sense of safety within the school environment. They are aware that the staff genuinely care for their well-being and academic success. The culture of kindness and respect is evident among students, who are supportive of one another and demonstrate high levels of respect towards adults. The school has established a zero-tolerance policy towards bullying, resulting in very few incidents occurring.
The behavior of pupils is exemplary, with strong systems in place to promote positive conduct throughout the school. Students are engaged and enthusiastic during lessons, collaborating effectively with their peers. Playtimes and lunchtimes are characterized by harmony and enjoyment, with pupils participating in a variety of engaging activities.
Feedback from parents, carers, pupils, and staff is overwhelmingly positive, with many recognizing the school's strengths. One parent described the school as joyful, reflecting the overall sentiment of the community.
The school excels in its ambitious curriculum, which is carefully structured to ensure that all pupils acquire essential knowledge from the start of Reception through to Year 6. Leaders have implemented systematic opportunities for pupils to revisit and reinforce their learning, promoting a deep understanding across all subjects. Teachers possess strong subject knowledge and present information clearly, frequently checking for understanding to address any misconceptions promptly. Feedback provided to pupils is well-structured, enhancing their comprehension and enabling them to achieve high standards.
Reading is a priority at Middleton Primary School, with leaders ensuring that all children learn to read effectively from the beginning of Reception. A well-structured phonics program is in place, and additional support is provided to those who struggle, ensuring that all pupils become fluent readers by the end of Year 1. The school environment encourages a love for reading, with inviting library spaces and diverse texts available for enjoyment and educational purposes.
The early years provision is exceptional, with leaders ensuring that children are motivated and engaged in stimulating activities both indoors and outdoors. All children, including those with special educational needs, participate enthusiastically and achieve high standards.
Character development is a key strength of the school, with leaders dedicated to preparing pupils for their future. Character education is integrated into the curriculum, promoting social responsibility and community support. Pupils have opportunities to take on leadership roles, such as school council representatives and playground buddies, fostering a sense of responsibility and engagement.
Leaders also focus on developing pupils' varied talents and interests, providing a wide range of enriching experiences that enhance the curriculum. Extra-curricular activities are abundant and cater to the diverse cultures and interests within the school community.
The safeguarding arrangements at Middleton Primary School are effective, with a strong culture of vigilance and training among staff. Leaders ensure that all adults in the school are safe to work with children, and pupils are educated on how to keep themselves safe.
Overall, Middleton Primary School continues to demonstrate excellence in education, providing a nurturing and stimulating environment where all pupils can thrive and achieve their full potential.