Notre Dame RC School, located in Plymouth, Devon, is a Roman Catholic secondary school for girls with a mixed sixth form. The school has undergone significant improvements since its last inspection, achieving a Good rating in various areas including leadership and management, teaching quality, personal development, behavior, and pupil outcomes. The headteacher has demonstrated effective leadership, fostering an inclusive environment where students are supported academically and personally. High expectations are set for all pupils, resulting in above-average attainment in most subjects.
The leadership team, including governors, has a clear understanding of the school's strengths and weaknesses, and they actively monitor teaching and learning. However, there is a need for more precise evaluation of the impact of teaching on pupil progress. Teaching is generally engaging and effective, with most teachers considering the diverse needs of their students. Nonetheless, some teachers do not maintain consistently high expectations, which affects the quality of work produced by certain pupils. The progress of the most able students is improving, but there is still room for more consistent challenges to help them achieve their full potential.
Pupils' writing and spoken language skills are well-developed, although the school has yet to implement a coordinated approach to teaching reading and numeracy. The behavior of pupils is commendable, with a strong sense of respect for one another and their teachers. Attendance rates have improved, and the number of persistently absent pupils has decreased due to enhanced monitoring and raised expectations. The school's ethos promotes personal development, and pupils appreciate the opportunities to reflect on their place in the world.
The school provides appropriate careers advice, particularly in key stage four, but this support has not yet been extended to younger pupils. The sixth form offers work-related learning and experience, although this aspect of the curriculum needs further development. The progress of students in A-level courses is average, with strong pastoral support in place. Most students successfully transition to further education or employment, with many opting for apprenticeships.
To further improve, the school aims to enhance the quality of teaching and pupil achievement by ensuring that all teachers maintain high expectations and consistently challenge the most able pupils. Additionally, the careers guidance program will be expanded to better inform key stage three pupils about potential career paths. The sixth form's work-related learning activities will also be broadened to provide students with more opportunities to gain practical experience.
Leadership effectiveness will be improved by ensuring that evaluations of teaching quality take into account pupil progress and by coordinating efforts to enhance reading and numeracy skills across the curriculum. Overall, Notre Dame RC School is on a positive trajectory, with a commitment to continuous improvement and a focus on providing a high-quality education for all its pupils. The school community, including staff and students, takes pride in their achievements and the supportive environment fostered by the leadership team.