Our Lady’s Catholic Primary School in Barnstaple has demonstrated significant improvement since its last inspection, achieving a Good rating across all areas. The leadership team, led by the principal, has effectively addressed previous areas for improvement, fostering a positive environment where pupils feel valued and supported. The school prioritizes mental health and well-being, ensuring that pupils know whom to approach with concerns. Attendance rates are strong, reflecting pupils' enjoyment of school.
Mathematics stands out as a particular strength, with staff providing appropriately challenging learning experiences for all pupils. The governing body, alongside trust representatives, maintains a clear understanding of the school's performance, offering constructive challenges based on detailed progress data. Foundation subject leaders are enthusiastic about enhancing standards, although their initiatives are still in the early stages of development. Current pupils are making notable progress in writing, aided by a new teaching approach, although there remains a need for consistent challenges for higher-attaining pupils across the school.
The early years provision is well-structured, although outdoor spaces present management challenges. Staff work diligently to provide suitable activities, but there are instances where these do not align with children's developmental needs. Leaders at all levels conduct accurate evaluations of the school's performance, with improvement priorities grounded in thorough monitoring. The early years program has consistently produced a higher proportion of children achieving a good level of development compared to national averages.
Pupils excel in reading and mathematics, with key stage two progress significantly above national averages in recent years. Physical education is a vital component of the curriculum, with pupils participating in high-quality lessons and extracurricular activities. Safeguarding measures are robust, ensuring that recruitment processes are thorough and staff are well-trained to maintain pupil welfare. Staff feel valued and supported, particularly regarding workload management, which contributes to a positive working environment.
Pupils with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) also make strong progress, although there are occasions when targets lack precision, limiting opportunities for improvement. The school is committed to ensuring that foundation subject leaders receive the necessary support to monitor and enhance standards effectively. The quality of teaching, learning, and assessment is generally good, with teachers setting high expectations and providing challenging activities, particularly in reading and mathematics.
Pupils engage well in lessons, demonstrating interest and focus. Teachers utilize questioning effectively to deepen understanding and adapt lessons based on ongoing progress. While writing instruction has improved, there is still a need for greater challenge for higher-attaining writers. The school promotes a rich and varied curriculum, allowing pupils to develop knowledge across multiple subjects, including music and PE.
Pupils' personal development and welfare are prioritized, with a strong emphasis on British values and internet safety. The school fosters an environment where pupils understand the importance of mental health and environmental stewardship. Behaviour is generally good, with pupils demonstrating respect and courtesy towards one another and staff. The school has made significant strides in improving attendance and reducing persistent absence rates.
Overall, Our Lady’s Catholic Primary School is a thriving educational institution that has made commendable progress in various areas. The leadership team is dedicated to continuous improvement, ensuring that all pupils receive a high-quality education that meets their individual needs. The school community is supportive, with strong parental engagement and a commitment to fostering a positive learning environment for all students.