Ruislip High School, located in Ruislip, Middlesex, has recently undergone an inspection by Ofsted, which took place on December 5 and 6, 2023. The school has received an overall effectiveness rating of outstanding, reflecting its commitment to providing a high-quality education. The inspection evaluated various aspects of the school, including the quality of education, behavior and attitudes, personal development, leadership and management, and sixth-form provision, all of which were rated as outstanding.
The headteacher, Gareth Davies, leads the school, which is part of the Vanguard Learning Trust. The trust is overseen by CEO Martina Lecky and a board of trustees chaired by Peter Davies. Ruislip High School has not been previously inspected under section five of the Education Act 2005, but it was previously judged to be outstanding before converting to an academy in April 2014.
Pupils at Ruislip High School thrive in an environment that prioritizes inclusivity and high expectations. The school provides a highly ambitious education, with excellent support for students with special educational needs and disabilities. The core values of respect, integrity, and perseverance are deeply embedded in the school culture, fostering a safe and supportive atmosphere for learning. Parents and carers appreciate the high standards set by the school, which contribute to students achieving exceptional results across the curriculum.
Behavior at Ruislip High School is exemplary, with pupils demonstrating positive attitudes towards learning. The school environment is calm and focused, promoting effective collaboration between pupils and staff. The school offers a wide range of enrichment opportunities, including sports, music clubs, robotics, and The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award, which enhance the academic curriculum and help develop leadership skills among students.
The curriculum at Ruislip High School is rich and ambitious, designed to ensure that pupils build knowledge sequentially. Teachers employ various strategies to assess and address misconceptions, ensuring that pupils achieve consistently high standards. The school places a strong emphasis on reading, with initiatives such as a dedicated reading hour for Year 7 students and encouragement for pupils to read widely.
Support for pupils with special educational needs is robust, allowing them to progress through the same curriculum as their peers. The school maintains close communication with parents to ensure that everyone is involved in supporting students' learning. Staff are well-trained to help all pupils succeed, and those with SEND are fully included in school life, participating in various activities and trips.
Ruislip High School also excels in providing high-quality careers advice and guidance, integrating it into the academic curriculum. The school organizes events such as careers fairs and work experience opportunities, building connections with employers to broaden students' understanding of different career paths.
The school community values excellent behavior, which contributes to a positive and calm atmosphere. Attendance rates are high, and the school emphasizes the importance of regular attendance for academic success. Ruislip High School is committed to nurturing pupils' personal development, offering a wide range of extracurricular activities and educational visits.
Staff development and well-being are prioritized, with leaders actively seeking to minimize workload pressures. The trust works effectively with the school to achieve its goals for pupils. Overall, Ruislip High School stands out for its outstanding educational provision, supportive environment, and commitment to the personal and academic growth of its students.